Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain If you were born to be a Hammer, from heaven the nails will rain. 2021-11-08 I hardly speak out of character and barely even less out of context. I had witnessed bickering between people for childish situations that can be resolved by speaking to one another. understandability so, for few of you that are not will endow with communications with each other and all I can see is talk smack behind the computer monitor. Of course Rules 2020-09-23 1. No drama2. Dark character, Dark Theme. Deal with it.3. BDSM. Only if the story demand it, Story ends, so will the BDSM.4. IC all the time, the exception of story discussion, PM only.5. If weak stomach, easily offended, then I'm the wrong guy to play with.6. Brutality theme, Rape theme, Racial theme. All in IC.7. No she says he says BS, I won't h