Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain ULGAR & SENGA'S SAGA CONTINUED 2020-07-28 Senga was puzzled by Ulgar’s reactions to her telling him that it was only 3 days, he understood her perfectly.  She drew on her clothes and a bear fur long jacket and scuttled out of their yurt behind him.  As she came along aside him she realised how much taller than her he was.  Ulgar was a very large man! She felt small, SAGA OF SENGA & ULGAR' 2020-06-16     It was a crisp autumn day in Alba and the trees were turning to a tapestry of bright reds, orange, yellows and brown.  The afternoon sun filtered through the leaves giving golden ribbons for the faeries to dance upon. This was the time of the ‘Gathering of Clans’.  A truce was to be honoured between any warring cl