Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Stories(Read please) 2023-08-11 I do welcome stories but please don't hit on my character or flirt with her. She's happily taken in rp and any who try to make an attempt to try and steal her from her love interest will either be given a warning and or be removed. Just respect my boundaries here. I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY!! 2023-08-07 I don't like the song Ragnar the Red. *Steals sweet rolls and flees* FUS ROH DAH!!! 2022-12-08 That is all and good night Rules of the Dragonborn Revised 2022-07-15 1. I'm not the faceclaim chosen on this character.2. No ooc drama and absolutely no rude ooc behavior allowed on this page. I have zero tolerance to poor ooc behavior and ooc drama. Be courteous to your peers as being rude out of character to others out of character does not give you good reputations.3. Note my character is happily taken. Any who t