Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Rules of the Vestige 2022-11-21 1. Not Nina Dobrev. Don't expect me to add anyone from TVD as I'm not playing a character from it. I just use the actress's face.2. My character is an OC and someone I created for Elder Scrolls verse. She's based on the game Elder Scrolls Online but I do have her set in the Fourth Era timeline also. 3. Neverenea or Renea for short is spoken fo Rules Revised 2022-05-16 1. Not the faceclaims chosen on this page. I do take the time to edit them and please do not steal my edits. 2. My character is an original character I created and I don't want anyone copying her or steal ideas. Coming up with a name for a Dark Elf isn't easy. 3. My ideas are my own. 4. Renea is taken by Sorik Orehand in rp. Sorry bo