Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain SMH PATHETIC 2021-07-25 So yesterday I was attacked for a character having the MIDDLE NAME "Ardat" totally different character and HOS was accused and slandered for stealing and not being imaginative... And yet today EXACTLY 2 hours and 43 minutes ago I made a post here about bringing a character here with her own twist and YES HISTORICAL facts I researched up and wh OOC 2021-07-25 Those who have known me here and on fb for years will know I suffer with mental health and struggle with good and bad days due to bipolar and severe ptsd. Although I am able to maintain and manage multi charaters and account I do have two mains. Zara Arwen Beautfort and Arwen Celeste-Pandora Morrigan (can't find her login details) so I will br