Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Return of the Seer part 2 2021-06-01 Part 2The journey had been an arduous one.  When Vylette had run from Kalevala and all of the painful memories it held, she had retreated to the furthest place she could find but even that didn’t seem to quell the rage she felt.  As the gates of the capital city came into view, a strange feeling overtook her.  She was home.  It Return of the Seer part 1 2021-06-01 Part 1Vylette let go of the parchment as if it were on fire and her hand flew to her throat.  “No…” she screamed and fell to her knees as the familiar haze clouded her vision.  She hadn’t had a vision in decades, why now?  She felt the heat from the flames against her face, the screams were deafening, the smell of acrid smoke made he