Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Esmeralda Returns Home Pt 5 2020-06-13 ESMERALDA RETURNS HOME PT 5 Esmeralda was in a dream state  remembering the storm that had come out of nowhere and caused the seas to pitch and churl and the ship creaked and groaned.  The lightning struck like Poseidon’s trident with many shards striking at the ship until it splintered apart.  Esmeralda stood at the railin ESMERALDA RETURNS HOME 2020-05-05 Esmeralda had had enough.  She had come to see to her ailing father and now it was Vlad’s turn to watch over him.  He was a vampire; vampires did not get sick and die nor would her father.  She had sat the throne of her kingdom and ruled as the Queen with her brother at her side but it was not her brother she wanted at her side. APOLLO & ESMERALDAs SPECIAL TIMES TOGETHER~ TAK 2015-11-17 APOLLO & ESMERALDA'S 'SPECIAL TIME' ~ TAK The days and nights were busy for Apollo as he shared his time between caring for his newborn son and his recuperating wife.  The childbirth had been hard on her, both physically and mentally.   Not once did he complain, showing only that handsome smile and gratitude in his eyes Apollo & Esmeralda making wedding plans 2014-02-17 Esmeralda had been inside all day being fitted for her wedding gown.  Three dress designer's pinning and tucking and lifting her hair and letting it down then twisting it up.  She wanted to be beautiful for only one person and that was Apollo.  "Please, please, enough for today.  Perhaps you could go put your heads together and