Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Our Honeymoon 2017-01-27 The wedding had gone smoothly from the ceremony to the reception Demetrius was on cloud nine he had married the love of his life with family and friends as witnesses what else could he ask for. As the night went on Demetrius kept checking his watch their honeymoon wouldn't begin until they got to their destination. Demetrius and Kira were now Proposal to Kira 9/16 2016-09-16 Demetrius had arrived back home he wanted to go see Kira but he had to stop by his house first to get something on his way to her house he sent her a message to be outside he would be taking her somewhere special He stood outside of his car with the door open watching her walk down he handed her a bouquet of pink rose “these are for you” he he