Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Into The Mouths of Hell 2016-04-09 The battlefield where all debts are paid, lives put on the line, The Black Kingdom against Darkmoor. There are no traps set on the battlefield; one could say it's virgin turf. Device, Gage, and the others whom hear his cry come together in a battle. War is hell, and this is the definition of it. Work in Progress for Darkmoor 2016-03-16 Welcome to DarkmoorAs you walk into this land, given the permission by myself, I, Device the king and only heir to the throne do by decree, you are welcomed here, there will be no fighting amongst kindred spirits, if there is, you face me. If you commit a crime, you face me. I am the judge, jury, and executioner here in these parts, if you wish to Character File #2 2016-01-28 NAME: K the Reaver (K or Keegan)AGE: UnknownHAIR COLOR: BlondeEYE COLOR: RedHEIGHT: 5'6"WEIGHT: 156.6 LBSWEAPON(S): Great Sword, throwing knivesBIOGRAPHY: K, an outstanding young man in life made a deal to the dark Lord for immortality, but found himself becoming an assassin for him, he has a cold way about him. He's stacked thousands of kills and Character File #1 2016-01-12 NAME: DEVICEDOB: UNKNOWNAGE: UNKNOWNHAIR COLOR: JET BLACKEYE COLOR: REDHEIGHT: 5'7" WEIGHT: 145 LBSPERSONALITY: DARK, EVIL, CALM, COLLECTEDOCCUPATION: EX SURGEONINFORMATION: Device use to be a doctor, but when he cut himself and patched his wounds, he found that he liked modifying his body, or even altering some parts of his body. however, the Who am I? 2016-01-12 Ah, the age old question, one that is a thorn in the forthought of man. I am there one moment and in a flash I'm gone. But now there is a abscess in my mind that I want to go to and free the demons I've been keeping in. My story isn't for the faint of heart, as matter of fact, I strongly urge you to walk away, there is nothing more, violent, more d