Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Vow Renewal Ceremony. 2023-01-30 The day was finally here. It was the day of Dylan and Courtney's Vow Renewal Ceremony. Dylan stood in the backyard with Jason and smiled softly at him. "Thank you so much again for being my Best Man. While I do have a lot of best friends. When it comes to best man, there is no one better." The Pier. 2019-10-15 Dylan was on the pier looking out at the water. Derek Young. 2017-01-22 after dylan got his latest assignment which was to go undercover as derek young. he made his way to the airport and caught the first flight to miami, florida. while he was on the plane, dylan studied everything there was to know about derek young. a couple of hours later, the plane landed and he made his was to the hotel where he would be staying t Dylan McAvoy. 2016-07-17 dylan mcavoy had moved to port charles to start a new life. so far, he found himself liking it. he had made a few friends already. which included samantha morgan and her son, danny. in fact, he lived across from them. when he first came, he kept getting strange looks from everybody. once sam told him about jason. he understood why. since then, the