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Age: 41
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Dark Genesis
Category: Uncategorized

In a different reality on a similar Earth disasters not heroics befell Angel and his Hyperion family. Wolfram and Hart had grown tired of dealing with the vampire with a soul and his meddling associates and moved up their time table. The sorcery they were to unleash would destroy the cosmos and rewrite it in their image. A plan they affectionately called Dark Genesis, which Lilah Morgan was spearheading for the Senior Partners.

Angel found out about this dastardly project and enlisted aid from Wesley and Willow on the best options on what could be done. Willow suggested using the Darkhold, which Wesley was against since it corrupts the wielder to their darkest temptations. He was of course right but failed to mention his fall from grace as he had pledged his soul to the firm for love of Lilah. 

During the final battle all was lost and both sides all but destroyed in the conflict. Wesley tried to kill Angel right after he staked Darla, but Cordelia jumped in front and sacrificed herself giving Spike the moment to slice the ex-watchers head off with an axe. Lilah consumed with anger destroyed Spike along with Buffy and Xander right in front of Willow. Willow then obliterated Lilah from existence after seeing her best friends murdered before her. 

When it was all over the only ones left standing were Angel, Willow, and Giles.  All the vampire could say to the grieving woman was I'm sorry. To which a anger and tearing filled Willow ended his existence much like she did Lilah and proceeded to get the Darkhold that was until Giles trapped her with a binding spell. He had seen the road she had gone down with Tara's death and was not going to see a repeat. He banished her out of reality but before he could do the same to the book, it crumbled to dust due to a spell of Wanda Maximoff of Earth 616.

But she did not stay quiet and departed for even though her body was gone thanks to the Watcher. Her mind and spirit still existed and became overran with grieving anger followed by madness. She was going to get her family back, protect them and all forms of her family in the multiverse and destroy anyone, especially an Angel, that got in her way. 

To do this her mind took over the Willow of the current era, and decided to slowly put her dark plans into play. Along with getting the last form of the Darkhold, which for some unknown reason was not destroyed in this reality like all others by the Scarlet Witch. 

Though speaking of Wanda, another version of her from Earth-97 felt the Darkhold and the twisted form of Willow enter this reality. So she ventured forth thanks to a temporal bodyslide in hopes of saving this reality. Though given the evil things the other version of her had did she wondered if anyone would believe her in time.

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