Sister Abigail (SOS, HYDRA)

Last Updated: Wed 31 Dec 2014, 1:56:08

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Gender: Female
Age: 19
Sign: Capricorn

Country: United States
Signup Date: December 02, 2014

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Our Rules
Category: Uncategorized

Before I list them and get specific, I want to explain just why I call this blog "Our Rules". It is actually rather simple. In all cases the rules listed in these sort of blogs are what the person writing the rules expects of those they will be writing with. My rules differ only in that they are also my solemn vow to you to extend you the very same honor and respect I demand. As a person I once knew out in the world used to say, "We can get along, or you can get along".

1: Drama- Let's get the big, white elephant in the room out of the way. Drama has its place in a rp. No different than a movie, TV show, play we are in fact producing drama here. But the drama should be the story, not garbage outside its borders. If you bring drama to my page expect swift and telling consequences. There I have said my piece on drama.

2: Sister Abigail- Do not assume you know who she is, I promise you you are mistaken. I say this with the confidence I as her writer am only slowly coming to know her. More because of her nature she may be different to different people. But then isn't that how we all are?

3: Sexual RP- I have done it, it can add to a story but Sister Abigail is no slut. If she beds someone, male or female, she has a motive, something she expects. She is not capable of falling in love, and sex will only be used to further the larger story at hand. If all you want is to bump and grind with words my suggestion to you would be find another conquest.

4: Who Am I?- I am Sister Abigail, we need delve into nothing further. I have no desire to go beyond this realm with anyone, to any degree. I will not talk about TV shows I like or movies I am attending. I will not speak of the weather or my life in general. One exception might however be in the area of health. If I am not well I will make note of it simply as a way of letting people know I may be slower to respond or that I may not be around. Make no mistake, I have no desire to know who you are, nor to share the highs and lows of my own life.

5: Religion- Religion will be a huge part of this character. But do not look for her to be Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, Atheist, or Satanist. Her faith will take from all but claim none. Sister Abigail is beyond the confines of any one faith. Do not take her statements or actions to condemn or condone any faith.

6: Respect- Will both be given and demanded. No action will be taken to humiliate your character beyond what a story requires, I will expect the same from you. I promise you if Sister Abigail in my eyes is being humiliated and weakened I have no problem pulling the plug on a storyline, I expect you feel the same about your characters.

For now that I think does it. I do reserve the right to adapt, alter and add to these rules but there will always be notification so that no one has the excuse of they "didn't know". Now my friends I end this blog and wish you a good game.

Sister Abigail

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