Rules Category: Blogging
This will be short and sweet here are the rules.
1: You all need to be over 18+ to play with TDG members.
2: No Insect, Or Bestiality. No Rape Is not Allow In TDG.
3: No Godmodding., Or autoplay or autokill.
4: No OOC Drama or Crossing Character. IC and OOC Shall never be cross. If so you are gone from the family and group. Any problems come to me I handle all problems never take it upon yourself.
5: MIA is not acceptable. If for a reason you can not be around inform the one you are to play with.
6: No one within TDG is allowed to be a slave nor a pet. Meaning you and anyone within TDG are not allowed to be a pet nor slave or be a master or mistress. Unless you have servants those are for household purposes.
7 Characters made in the realm of TDG belong only to TDG and fandomain. We hold the right to own 30% of your character meaning we have a saying on it, however, the character is yours 100%, view as a representative or manager within TDG. . there for the character is only exclusive to TDG and TDG is only on fandomain meaning your character shall remain here.
Is all, for now, have a good RP. Sigh if agreed, break these rules will get you banned and delete from all TDG pages.
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