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The Houses of Lyonesse
Category: Uncategorized

When Lyonesse was rediscovered and the great portal reactivated the „Houses“ of Lyonesse sprang back to life with arcane magic and ancient technology. Initially Elpis and her librarians uncovered the existence of 8 Houses and mainly named them after the elements they seemed to represent, especially as each House held a “Book of Power”.

Only after the traitorous Furyans and Elders were rooted out and their plans overcome to take control over Elpis and the power contained by The Librarian and the gathered knowledge of Lyonesse, it came evident that there were more Houses. Revan and Elpis were able to access this from the Book of Fire they got a hold of after the main battle.

Not all of the Houses they were able to reveal seem to exist at the moment. Elpis has a strong feeling that they just lie dormant or were hidden away from the world to protect them. Therefore not all Books of Power are yet found. Maybe even some Elders have been awoken either. Though Riddick is sure that he now is the last of the Furyans and all remaining Furyans are dead after he killed his mother in the final battle over Lyonesse, Elpis harbors some doubts and fears about it.

Here is the record of the Houses of Lyonesse:

1.       The House of the Secret Fire: One of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, House of Lyonesse. It sometimes called the House of the Crown, as it is said that those of the Line of the Lionesse will rule over it.

Scarlett was head mistress of the House of Fire and maybe it explains why she wanted to take control over Elpis, who now has control over this house until one of her line is ready to rule over it.

The Book of Fire seems to contain nothing when you open it. Its cover is black as night, as if scorched. As a matter of fact it only reveals its content to a few chosen. Those that can read it see beyond all things to see the secrets behind the secrets, the most hidden of all hidden things. To Elpis it revealed the existence of the other Houses.


2.       The House of Understanding: This House was discovered after the Scarlett’s fall. It had been called “The Palace of Mirrors”. As one of the hidden houses it still is without an Elder to tend to its affairs and students. It is the house of wisdom and processed understanding through contemplation. Those studying the darker side of understanding often train in the skills of confusing their enemies and shattering the power of others by their own knowledge.

The Book of Power found in the Palace of Mirrors reveals the intuitive understanding and can only be read with the left eye of the beholder. Its knowledge is directly absorbed and understood by the heart, rather than the mind. If looked upon in the wrong way and without the desire to seek knowledge the book will cause a shattering oft he observers mind, leaving his knowledge scattered like light that is broken in a mirror.


3.       The House of Wisdom:  Formerly classified as the House of Air. The students and Elder of the House of Wisdom wear grey clothing only and have dedicated their life to one goal. Find wisdom by all means. They follow the rule that only the conscious mind is able to penetrate light and darkness to find wisdom. They train to never sleep so that their conscious mind is never dulled by dreams and that remains always alert to conscious perception. They can conceal their wisdom though as well as their power.

To stay alert and awake they are extremely creative and repair all the mechanical devices that channel the arcane energies and magic at the Library, like the guarded portals.

The Book of Fear is the book of power found in this house, because you should fear ultimate wisdom as it is a force of creation. To receive wisdom the students of the House of Wisdom need to face their darkest fears.


4.       The House of Knowledge: The location of this House was revealed to Elpis, but to this point no one has been able to get to it and enter it. It is unclear whether an Elder is in charge of it at the moment or if the House is altogether hidden away. It seems the chasm in which the House is hidden absorbs and destroys anything that enters.

Elpis stood over the abyss in which the House of Knowledge is hidden many times and stared into the blank, endless emptiness there without the power to reach it yet.  The key to getting to it could be linked in secrets still hidden in the House of Understanding and the House of Wisdom. The Book of Fire revealed this to Elpis.

The Book of Power that should be protected there should be the Book of Secrets.


5.       The House of Judgement: Actually the House of Judgement is almost like a regulatory instrument. Here the essence of all things are judgement and limitations. The Elders and students of this house wear red (or something representing red) at all times and worship the eternal fire burning in the Lioness, Elpis.

They are in charge of laws, order and the judgement of crimes committed in Lyonesse. The students oft he House of Judgements are excellent fighters.

Angel, is one of the teachers of law and crime in this house.

The Book of Judgement is the book of power here.


6.       The House of Love: The Elders and students of this house are known for their kindness, mercy and pity upon every creature and visitor. They value all aspects of love highest and will go to the extreme to make heal anyone hurting. Surprisingly though their Elders and students follow one oft wo paths. Either they vow celibacy as they understand love as absolute compassion and grace or they give themselves up to orgiastic love, which devours them completely.

Mr. Legion has taken over teaching and guardianship over this house.

The Book of Mercy is reveals the power to heal and repair any hurts inflicted. It is even said that this book can bring the dead back to life.


7.       The House of Balance: Also called the House of Adornment, which greats the visitors with one sentence engraved into the gate: “Let there be Light”. Therefore the house was first called the House of Light.

The center room holds a glorious throne which is set there for the Lioness to sit in upon visits. The house pleasing in every sense of the word and the architecture extremely balanced and light, allowing light and air to flow in at any point.

The Elders and students of the House of Balance study the secrets and skills that allow magic and technology to become one. They are fascinated by all things contradicting and want to achieve a balance between opposites. They get so wrapped up in their work and skills that they will exert every bit of energy around them, sapping the life force of others if needed to achieve their goals.

Rosaceae, Elpis' niece, studies the Book of Balance here.

The Book of Balance is the book of power guarded by the Elders of the House of Balance. It is intricately carved and a true beauty among the books. It is dangerous none the less to read the book for a weak mind will find that it saps all energy out of the reader and leaves them raw and emotianally drained. Elpis enjoys reading this book as it always her to balance out her powers.


8.       The House of Magic: In the House of Magic the study of magic is just one goal. Incantation through poetry, music and dance are studied to develop and perform the most difficult and complex spells that Lyonesse can provide.

The Book of Magic doesn’t just contain spells but binds the force and power to balance intellect and emotion, consciousness and unconsciousness. Those who read it fall into a deep trance and start chanting and sometimes dance. For unstudied minds this book is extremely dangerous and end in insanity and death from exhaustion.  


9.       The House of Victory: Maybe the members of the House of Victory are the most sturdy and enduring of all houses. They afflict pain and suffering upon themselves to learn endurance and patience even in the most difficult of situations. Not few of the students are skilled masters and slaves on the sensual level.

Revan, Elpis' most trusted friend and librarian, is Elder of this house. He is gathering students around him who wish to master the art of endurance and fighting.

The Book of Endurance is kept safe in this House and empowers those who read it to lead people through hard times, battle and makes them charismatic leaders. Herein lies the danger of this book should it be studied by the wrong people with the wrong intent.


10.   The House of Transformation: The members of this house worship the holy trinity. They believe in the trinity principle in all things. All things are in flow just as water is. Water resembles the perfect trinity element as it can be solid, liquid and vapor. It consists of three atoms and the geometrical structures it builds always contain the number three in some form. This is just one reason why the house was first called the House of Water. The Elders and students wear blue.

Arethusa, Galatea’s sister, is the Elder oft he House of Transformation. She is teaching water bending in this house.

Moira, Elpis' daughter, studies under Arethusa.

The Book of Water is kept safe in the House of Transformation. The cover is light blue and in constant flow. The unworthy and too willful will find destruction and nightmares springing to life when they open the book.


11.   The Foundation: Formerly called the House of Earth. All members of this house are very down to earth and rather “unspiritual”. They prefer logic and science over anything unsubstantial. They trust in what they see and touch.

Psamathe, Galatea's sister, is teacher at the Foundation.

The Book of Earth is kept safe here.

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