Retribution Category: Blogging
(About the Luby's Cafeteria mass shooting which took place in Killeen, Texas on October 16, 1991.) The malicious sounds of gunfire, an easy way to take out your many frustrations on people you've never even seen before. Little matters to you at the moment, except venting out rage and paying back the whole world, because everyone is guilty and there's absolutely zero tolerance for both real and imagined transgressions. Death for these many helpless victims cannot come soon enough, the quicker the better as bullets end dozens of lives, so easily they expire yet at the same time, human bloodshed is quickly washed off your hands, because you are justified in anger while feeling exalted in revenge. Leaving this world with a clear conscience, there's nothing for you to regret. No need for misgivings, why bother with remorse. While others mourn this tragic loss of life, you will escape lawful punishment for your heinous crimes after committing suicide. All is calm now as the bullet ends a truly wretched and miserable existence.
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