Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

Last Updated: Thu 05 Oct 2017, 7:46:23

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Age: 37
Sign: Gemini

Country: Iceland
Signup Date: November 30, 2014

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Rolling her shoulders Amora looked out the window of her office with a weary expression twisting her slim features. It had been hours since her return from The Night Court and her arrival home had been met with anger and fear and immediately she had set on the path to sooth, shelving the work that waited for her. Thor had been beside himself, frustration over what their guest had pulled, fear at Amora and Herdis being gone in a flash, anger at the inability to do anything about it before Amora was returned book in hand that could be their salvation. She had set about reassuring him, they had gone over every detail she could glean from her short time there and then Thor had meetings with advisors, his brothers and their sons. She hadn't intervened in them but she had stayed close by, both to make sure he was ok and to allow him to easily see the same of her, even if Herdis not returning with her had his worry not dissipating. When she left him to their meetings it was outlining the places the new courts could settle to ensure there was no infringing on the locals, no pushing those already there out of homes. They had maps all over the office, and they had been deep in conversation when she had slipped out.

She knew that Thor would see that everyones needs were met, it was how her husband operated, now she had to do what she did best. Amora had first poured through the book Rhysand had given to her, finding the spell that he could do without thinking, and then found the instructions for someone who wasn't high fae. She certainly wasn't, and set about coping those instructions out on multiple sheets. One would end up copied into her own books, the ones where she compiled spells that might later serve her family in some ways. The second would go to Lif, her strongest child when his own powers were paired with the bulk of hers which he now wielded. The third for her uncle, who was the authority on magic for their family outside of Loki, and safely away from Asgard. Should something happen to her, knowing they might still wield the weapon to save them made her feel much better. She closed off those letters, putting them where they would be found if something should happen. Then she compiled a list of the things needed, herbs, a ton of them according to these instructions. She sent one of their ladies into town, needing more bulk then they had on hand with such rare strange herbs, not the types one might usually cook with.

Then she pulled down the tiara that Sven had fashioned for her once upon a time. Amora had massacred a village of witches, and trapped their powers in the ruby that dropped like a bloody tear from the silver circlet. Sven had taken the ruby and made her what he had claimed would one day be her crown for ruling all of the nine. She let the metal heat, warm enough that she could separate the ruby drop from the band and fastened it to a chain instead. With her raw power trapped in Lif she needed this to ensure she had the strength to pull off the spell. And even after that she would likely be weak, lucky if she could stand on her own. She would need to have others near her or risk falling into Svens hands. The ruby was heavy and when she fastened the heavy chain around her neck the tear drop settled between her breasts. It felt heavy and she was glad that she would use this thing now, here to beat Sven back and release the powers that she had trapped that had never been hers to begin with. A penance to be paid and if she didn't die because of it shed take that as some sign that turning around most of her devious ways had been a good decision.

When her lady returned with the bags of herbs she gathered them together and started to separate them into massive dosages. She would carry one on her persons. Amma would be given one, one in their personal kitchens and one in the main kitchens. Thor would have one as well, in case one was lost, or taken she wanted her bases covered. She gathered then together, sealing them in innocuous tea bundles, telling her lady to take them where they needed to be, and instruct everyone they were for the queen, utterly disgusting and should never be touched. Amora might no longer be known for her anger, but that didn't mean people didn't remember who she had once been. She had her lady shuffle off to make her delivers and then took her last copy of the spell and steps she would need to remember. She tucked away the extra pieces, locked away the book she had promised to keep safe for the high lord, and then she headed back to check on her husband. She would study every facet of the spell, until it was second nature, because she would give her family a chance to win this. Sliding into her husbands office she offered him the ghost of a smile moving to sit on the arm of his chair as he looked over the maps he had been staring at for hours. Taking a page from his book she leaned down, kissing his head. “This is going to work,” she assured him her voice muffled by his hair, her fingers twisting in the ends of those locks. Amora was sure of it, they would win this, she had complete faith in them.  

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