Kira Orcus|TAK|ROD|

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The birth of Kira's and Demetrius's twins, Demetrius Jr & Aine ~October 31/2017
Category: Uncategorized

<b>The Birth of Kira's & Demetrius's Twins, Demetrius Jr & Aine

Kira had only been about 6-7 months pregnant at the time when Demetrius had disappeared out of her life and their unborn twins. Kira was felt like her whole world was crashing down on her but she couldn't let this bring her down even though it hurt her so much inside and out. She needed to be strong for her unborn twins and the Realm Of Dragocona. She had her sister, Nyx move in with her to help her out with stuff in the Realm and with baby stuff for when the twins would be born. Kira knew that she would have a great support system from her parents, siblings, Demetrius's family and the twins godparents. A couple of months had passed since Demetrius had disappeared and things had been getting a bit harder for Kira to do since her pregnant belly had gotten bigger with the twins getting close to being born. It was Halloween night when Kira had been getting ready to give some Halloween treats to the young little dragons when she had a sharp pain on the side of her body. She thought it was just from her doing a lot of work around the castle. But then it got worse, that was then her water broke. "Oh no!" She places the bowl of treats down on the table then calls for her sister Nyx and the midwife. The midwife and Nyx ran into the room as they both see that Kira had gone into labour. They helped her to the bed as they got her ready to deliver the twins. As the midwife was checking to see how far along Kira was, that was when Kira had a very strong contraction. 'M'lady, it looks like your already crowning and one of the babies are coming now. When I tell you, I'm gonna need you to push.' Kira nods her head as she took ahold of her sister's hand. 'Okay now, M'lady!' Kira starts to pushed as she squeezes her sister's hand. 'That's it M'lady! Keep pushing! This little one is almost here!' Kira pushed one more time and the baby was out. The midwife quickly cleans the baby and cuts its cord. "Is this one a boy or a girl?" Kira asked as she looks down at the midwife. 'This little one is a boy.' The midwife hands the baby boy to Kira. "Hello my sweet little boy, Demetrius Loki Jr." she kisses his forehead then hands him over to her sister Nyx to place in the bassinet. That was when the next big contraction hit Kira hard. 'The next little one is coming, M'lady.' The midwife said as she got ready for the baby. Kira gave one more push and the baby was out. Kira catches her breath as she looks down at the midwife as the midwife cleans the baby off and cuts its cord. She then hands the baby to Kira. "My sweet little girl, Aine Artemis." She kisses her on the forehead as well. Nyx wraps the twins in their own blankets then hands them back to Kira. Kira looks down at the twins and smiles softly at them as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Mommy loves the both of you so very much. I will always be here for you and protect the both of you." She kept them in her arms for awhile until they fell asleep. She had Nyx put the bassinets beside her on the bed. Once she was cleaned up and the midwife and Nyx had left the room, Kira laid back down beside the twins as she watches them sleep until she fell asleep beside them. She was gonna take good care of them and raise them with the help of her family, Demetrius's family and the twins godparents. She couldn't wait to see how the twins lives would be once they got older but for now, she would enjoy them as the cute little babies they were.</b>

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