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Age: 53
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Carly was behind the bar, when she saw Alexis come in with, Patrick.  "What the hell, are you doing with her."  She looked at him.

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Courtney went over to Anna, and Sonny.

"Hi, Anna, Sonny. I suddenly realized that we haven't talked much lately with everything that's been going on. So, Anna. I just wanted to come by and say hi. Since, it looks like you might end up my, sister." She, grinned at them.

Posted by Courtney on Fri Aug 07, 2020, 22:08

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Anna giggled, and hugged Jason back. "Ah." She smiled, when she watched Jason, kiss Alexis.

She looked at Sonny. "Why, do you, keep reminding him, all the time about that. He knows, Sonny." She looked at him, and grinned.

Posted by Anna on Fri Aug 07, 2020, 13:08

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Victoria smiled when she saw, Maxie.

"Maxie, of course. I know, silly." She hugged her tightly. "Robin, hi." She, hugged her back.

"Things have been, just so crazy lately. I handed Newman over to, Adam. And these kids, aren't giving me any rest at all. Just, like Patrick. I have a feeling that they're boys." She, giggled.

"How about you two, coming over to the house for breakfast, Saturday. Bring your families, and we'll have, lots of fun, spending the day, together." She, grinned at them.

She giggled, when she saw Jason and Alexis.

Posted by Victoria on Thu Aug 06, 2020, 22:08

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Alexis Morgan


"Jason. Daddy's, just joking." She looked at him, and giggled. "Silly, Daddy." She kissed Jason again, and grinned at him.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Thu Aug 06, 2020, 21:08

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Jason Morgan


Jason chuckled softly when he heard everyone clapping. "Nothing to see here. Thank you. Please continue with the party." He laughed then saw Jason Jr looking at him. "What are you looking at?" He laughed again.

Posted by Jason Morgan on Thu Aug 06, 2020, 20:08

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Robin saw Maxie talking to Victoria, and went over to say hello.

"Hi, girls. Victoria, I haven't seen you, since the luncheon. How are, you." She hugged them both, and giggled. "There they go." She giggled again, and looked at Alexis and Jason.

Posted by Robin on Thu Aug 06, 2020, 19:08

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Alexis Morgan


"Hi, Jason." She stopped, when he kissed her. She, then kissed him back, and heard few people clapping. She, stopped and giggled. "Well in that case." She kissed him back harder again.

"I am now." She, giggled again.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Thu Aug 06, 2020, 17:08

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Jason Morgan


Jason laughed. "You're right, Sonny. This isn't the same kid you took under your wing. I grew up to become a comedian." He smirked. "In all seriousness though, you are never second best. If it wasn't for you, I really don't know what turn my life may have taken. I'm grateful for everything you did for me and taught me. You're always going to be my best friend and brother." He hugged him tightly. Then hugged Anna. "I'll see you two later." He went back over to the table and smiled when he saw Alexis. "Having a good time?" He asked as he kissed her softly.

Posted by Jason Morgan on Thu Aug 06, 2020, 15:08

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Sonny Corinthos


Sonny chuckled softly when he heard Jason. "Excuse me? Second best? This is not the same kid I took under my wing all those years ago. Don't you have some of your kids to see?"

Posted by Sonny Corinthos on Thu Aug 06, 2020, 15:08

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Michael Corinthos


Michael smiled when Sharon sat down next to him and watched as she played with Wiley and James. "My mother has a lot of help. From everything I hear, you work hard so you deserve a break."

Posted by Michael Corinthos on Thu Aug 06, 2020, 01:08

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Maxie saw Victoria, and went over to her.

"Hi, Victoria. It's nice, to see you again. I was hoping, that the four of us, could go to dinner, one night. Since, Patrick has always been a brother to, me." She, looked at her and grinned.

Posted by Maxie on Mon Aug 03, 2020, 20:08

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Lulu saw Danny, and went over to him, and smiled.

"Hi, Danny. Welcome, to the Spencer Family. Since, you're already part of the Corinthos Family." She, looked at him, and giggled. "I was hoping, that we could get together one day."

She, smiled at him again.

Posted by Lulu on Sat Aug 01, 2020, 17:08

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Chelsea looked at her a bit pissed.

"Excuse, me. She, then walked off, and saw Julian. She, then went over to them, and smiled. "Hi, dad. Aunt Ava, Kristina. Kyle, it's good to see, you. And, you must be." She, looked at, Avery, and smiled.

Posted by Chelsea on Fri Jul 31, 2020, 19:07

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Courtney giggled. "I'm sorry, Chelsea. Hey, Emily. I'm looking forward, to hearing the boys sing." She, smiled at, Lucky."

Posted by Courtney on Fri Jul 31, 2020, 17:07

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Emily smiled. "Hi, Chelsea. Lucky." She, giggled.

Posted by Emily on Thu Jul 30, 2020, 15:07

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