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Carly was behind the bar, when she saw Alexis come in with, Patrick.  "What the hell, are you doing with her."  She looked at him.

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Sam came over with Penny, and smiled.

"Hello, Ashley. It's so nice, to finally meet, the Abbott sister. Don't worry about, Billy. He'll be fine." She looked at them, and giggled.

Posted by Samantha on Wed Jun 24, 2020, 23:06

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Penelope Morgan


Penny looked at Ashley, and gulped. "Seriously." She then looked at Alexis and Jason.

"I have to find my, mom. I'll be right back." Penny started walking, when she found Sam with Sasha, Molly, and Violet. "Excuse me. I need my, mom." She watched as Sam got up, and she told her what Ashley said.

She, then brought Sam over to, Ashley. "My mom said I should take your full time offer. And, she'll talk to, Billy." She, looked at them, and giggled. "I'm not a P.R. person though. But, if you want, I'll take the job." She looked at, Ashley.

Posted by Penelope Morgan on Wed Jun 24, 2020, 20:06

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"Monica. It's so nice, to finally meet you.

"And, Penny too. I've been reading your news story. They're fabulous. If I steal you away, from Aurora. I think that my brother, I think, he would never forgive, me."

She, grinned at them. "Do you, freelance. I could always use, a good P.R. person. And, I mean that, sincerely, Penny. You're fantastic. You, must be, very proud, Jason." She, smiled at them.

Posted by Ashley on Wed Jun 24, 2020, 17:06

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Penelope Morgan


Penny came over to Alexis, and her dad. "Uncle Stefan. Uncle Valentin. It's been so long, since I've you. Hi, Grandma. Hi, Ashley." She, hugged every one.

Posted by Penelope Morgan on Tue Jun 23, 2020, 23:06

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Monica smiled at Ashley. "So, your the infamous, Ashley. That I have been hearing about." She, giggled. "It's nice, to meet you, Ashley. My son, has been telling me, all about you." She, grinned at them.

Posted by Monica on Tue Jun 23, 2020, 19:06

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Jason Morgan


Jason saw Ashley, Stefan and Valentin with Alexis and Monica. He went over to them. "Hi Ashley, thank you for coming. Mom, this is Ashley Abbott. Ashley, this is my mother, Monica." He shook Stefan and Valentin's hands. "Good to see you guys again. Valentin, you know you don't have to be a stranger."

Posted by Jason Morgan on Tue Jun 23, 2020, 17:06

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Dylan McAvoy


Dylan smiled when he heard what Courtney said about Alex and Christian. "I agree. Christian, buddy. I have a son, Alex. He's only a few years older but I know that he would love to play with you. Guess what? He loves dinosaurs too."

Posted by Dylan McAvoy on Tue Jun 23, 2020, 15:06

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Molly came over to the table. "Hi, girls. Are we, having a tea party." She sat down, and giggled.

Posted by Molly on Sun Jun 21, 2020, 21:06

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Sam saw Sasha sitting at the table with, Violet. She went over to them, and sat down. "Hello, girls. What's up." She, looked at them, and giggled.

Posted by Samantha on Sun Jun 21, 2020, 14:06

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"Hi, mom." Courtney smiled at her, then giggled. "Children, huh. I like, the sound of that. Hi, Christian. It's nice, to meet you. Alex will love him." She looked at Adam, and Nicholas. May be, it's good news." She, smiled at Chelsea.

Posted by Courtney on Sat Jun 20, 2020, 18:06

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Dylan McAvoy


Dylan saw Nikki come over to them and smiled. "Hey Mom." He watched as she sat down next to them and chuckled. "Yes, you do call us children and it's fine." He looked at Victoria and smiled then saw Nick come over with Christian. Once, he left with Adam. He shook his head. "I can only imagine what that is about." He looked at Christian. "Hey Christian. What's that you got there? Your dinosaur?"

Posted by Dylan McAvoy on Sat Jun 20, 2020, 16:06

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"I know right." She looked at him, and giggled. "I mean, Mariah. It's not like it's Mary or Jane." She looked at them, and giggled.

Posted by Maxie on Sat Jun 20, 2020, 02:06

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James Reeves


James smiled at Mariah. "It's nice to meet you, Mariah." He chuckled softly when he heard Maxie. "Talk about a small world with the both of you having the same name."

Posted by James Reeves on Sat Jun 20, 2020, 00:06

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Mariah giggled. "Hi, James. It's nice, to meet you. And, I never met, any one else, named Mariah either." She looked at him again, and giggled.

Posted by Mariah on Fri Jun 19, 2020, 22:06

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"James. This is, Mariah. We have the same name." She looked at him, and giggled. "Every one, calls me, Maxie. I some times forget, that my name is actually, Mariah." Maxie felt, like she was talking a mile a minute so fast. She giggled. "I never met, any one named, Mariah." She took a deep breath. She looked at him.

Posted by Maxie on Fri Jun 19, 2020, 22:06

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