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Carly was behind the bar, when she saw Alexis come in with, Patrick.  "What the hell, are you doing with her."  She looked at him.

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James Reeves


James left James with Michael and Wiley as he went over to Maxie and Mariah. "Hey, you guys. What's going on over here?"

Posted by James Reeves on Fri Jun 19, 2020, 20:06

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Tracy Quartermaine


Tracy went over to Sonny with Victor, and smiled at him.

"Hello, neighbor. How are you. These get togethers, always amazes me, doesn't it." She grinned at him.

Posted by Tracy Quartermaine on Thu Jun 18, 2020, 19:06

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Monica went over to Alexis, when she saw her brothers come in.

"Hello, all. Hi, Stefan, Valentin. It's been a while, since I've seen you two. You, must be Ashley, I've been hearing so much about." She, smiled at them.

Posted by Monica on Thu Jun 18, 2020, 17:06

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Sasha sat down, at one of the tables, to take a breather. She saw Violet come over to her, and smiled. "Hi, sweetie. Are you, having a good time." She giggled, when Violet giggled.

Posted by Sasha on Thu Jun 18, 2020, 15:06

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Alexis Morgan


"Ashley, Stefan, Valentin. Valentin, where have you been." She hugged them tightly. "Come see the babies." She picked up Gail, and gave her to Ashley. Then gave Lee to Stefan, and Carly to Valentin. I missed you two." She smiled at them.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Thu Jun 18, 2020, 13:06

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Nikki Spencer


"I don't know, Chelsea." Nikki gasped. "You, don't think, that it could be …"

Posted by Nikki Spencer on Wed Jun 17, 2020, 23:06

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Chelsea smiled at, Hayden. "Oh, Hayden and I, know each other, Victoria. We met at the park. And, Connor is Alex's, number one competitor for Violet's affection." She, looked at them and giggled.

She was then surprised, when Nicholas came over to them. Then watched as Adam went over to join, Nicholas. "I wonder, what's that about. Do you know, Victoria." She heard Victoria say no. Come sit with me, Christian." She then looked over to where they were.

Posted by Chelsea on Wed Jun 17, 2020, 21:06

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Nicholas Newman


Nick came with Christian and went over to the table where Danny's presents were and put his down. He went over to the table where the babies gifts were and put the gift down. He saw Nikki with Victoria, Hayden, Dylan, Courtney, Adam and Chelsea. He went over to them. "Hi everybody. Good to see you." He kissed Nikki on the cheek and hugged Victoria, Courtney and Chelsea. "Adam, can we talk?" He looked at Christian. "Christian, stay here with Grandma and your aunt Victoria, Courtney, Chelsea and Uncle Dylan. Okay? Uncle Adam and I are just going to talk real quick." He hugged him then went over to the side as he waited for Adam.

Posted by Nicholas Newman on Wed Jun 17, 2020, 18:06

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Victoria came over to Nikki, and giggled.

"She's right, of course. I'm still, her baby." Victoria giggled. "Every one, is so busy kidnapping Violet, from every one. I decided to kidnap, Violet's mom, Hayden.

Hayden, is this my mom, Nikki. Hayden lives down the hall, from Dylan and Courtney. This is Chelsea, as you can see. They're identical. And, this is my brother Adam, Chelsea's husband."

They sat down. "Looks like Maxie, has a new best, friend. They just discovered they have the same name, Mariah." She giggled, and grinned at them.

Posted by Victoria on Wed Jun 17, 2020, 17:06

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Ashley came with Stefan and Valentin. "Wow. Look at the table." They put Danny's presents down, then went over, to the babies table, and put down their presents, and looked around.

"Oh, there, they are. Alexis." Ashley hugged Alexis and Jason. "We found Valentin, in the lobby." She looked at them, and giggled.

Posted by Ashley on Wed Jun 17, 2020, 15:06

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Nikki Spencer


Nikki went over to Dylan, Courtney, Chelsea and Adam. She smiled at them.

"Hello, children. Mind if I join you." She sat down, and giggled. "Don't mind the children. I call my kids children all the time. Right, sweetie." She, grinned at, Dylan.

Posted by Nikki Spencer on Wed Jun 17, 2020, 14:06

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Mariah was completely surprised, when she heard Maxie say her name was, Mariah.

"Neither, have I. I've never met any one, who had the name, Mariah. Can you believe this, Christine. Johnny." She hugged Maxie back tightly. "This is, so weird. We can talk about this later, cause... well it's a long story. And, I'm helping my mother, Sharon." She looked at her, and grinned.

Posted by Mariah on Wed Jun 17, 2020, 00:06

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Maxie was walking around taking pictures when she heard Christine, and stopped.

"Excuse me. Did you just call her, Mariah. I can't believe it." She looked at, Johnny. "Johnny. Did you just hear Christine call her, Mariah. My name is Mariah Maximillia, etc. But, every one, call me, Maxie because that's what my dad wanted.

It's been so long, since, any one has called me, Mariah. I almost forgot, that was my actual name. You, must be, my long lost sister. Mariah." Maxie went over to her, and hugged her tightly."

Posted by Maxie on Wed Jun 17, 2020, 00:06

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"Mariah." Christine turned, when she heard her. "Mariah, what are you doing here. You, work here too. Have you met, Johnny. This is, Mariah. Sharon's daughter." She, looked at them, and giggled.

Posted by Christine on Tue Jun 16, 2020, 22:06

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Mariah was behind the bar, when she heard, Johnny.

"Have you two decided, what you're going to have." She, smiled at them.

Posted by Mariah on Tue Jun 16, 2020, 22:06

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