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Carly was behind the bar, when she saw Alexis come in with, Patrick.  "What the hell, are you doing with her."  She looked at him.

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™Johnny Zacchara


Johnny chuckled softly when he heard Christine. "Hey Christine. Sure, I'll buy you a drink." He smiled. "What would you like?"

Posted by ™Johnny Zacchara on Tue Jun 16, 2020, 19:06

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Christine giggled. "Oh, I know that, Alexis. Not to, worry. Paul is in heaven right now, with Molly.

Congratulations, Ric. Welcome to the firm. Looking forward, to working with you. Hey, Lulu. Welcome. I'm going to see, that handsome guy, standing by the bar."

Christine giggled, and walked over to, Johnny. "Hey you. Buy me, a drink." She, grinned at him.

Posted by Christine on Tue Jun 16, 2020, 18:06

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Lulu went over to Ric, and grinned.

"There you are. I turned around, and you were gone." She giggled. "Hi, Alexis. Christine." She, grinned at them.

Posted by Lulu on Tue Jun 16, 2020, 16:06

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Avery Jerome


"Mom. Hi." She giggled, when she hugged. "Mom. Help."

Posted by Avery Jerome on Tue Jun 16, 2020, 15:06

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Alexis Morgan


"Ava wait." She giggled when she went over to Avery. "I think, you had better go rescue Avery, Julian." She, giggled again.

"Christine, Ric is joining our law firm. He's going to be great." She, shook her head, when Molly took, Paul. "Don't worry about that Christine. Molly's just playing. Come on in, every one. Help yourself, to the buffet."

Alexis hugged Ric. "I'm so glad, Ric." She, smiled softly, at him.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Tue Jun 16, 2020, 14:06

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Ava came in with Julian, and smiled.

"Hi, all. We'll come say hello, in a bit. You, all look so busy." They walked inside, and Ava saw, Avery.

"Avery." She ran over to her, and hugged her tightly. "My baby."

Posted by Ava on Tue Jun 16, 2020, 12:06

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Ric Lansing


Ric smiled when he heard Alexis. "Really? I'm in? Thank you so much, Alexis." He felt her hug and hugged her back a little bit tighter. "This means so much to me." He saw Molly come over and smiled. "Hi sweetheart." He hugged her and kissed her cheek. He was about to tell her the news when Alexis beat him to it. "Thank you, honey. A few days ago, I went to see your mother and told her I wanted to get back into law. She offered me a spot in her firm but she had to talk to Jason first." He saw Christine and Paul. "Hi, Christine, Paul."

Posted by Ric Lansing on Mon Jun 15, 2020, 22:06

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"Seriously, mom. You, and Jason hired, dad. That's great, dad. Congratulations."

She, looked at Christine. "Oh, I don't know, mom. Paul and I, are related. Why, not. Let me show you, the buffet, Paul." She took him over to the table.

Posted by Molly on Mon Jun 15, 2020, 13:06

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Courtney looked up, and smiled at them.

"Hey Chelsea, Adam. Of course. So, are you two, all set for the Ball at Wyndermere. This is, your first time, as well as, Dylan's." She, grinned at them.

Posted by Courtney on Sun Jun 14, 2020, 22:06

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Chelsea saw Courtney and Dylan, and went over to them with, Adam.

"Hello, Courtney. Dylan. Mind if we join, you." She sat down next to them. "These drinks, are so good. So, what's new." She, smiled at them.

Posted by Chelsea on Sun Jun 14, 2020, 20:06

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Alexis Morgan


"Molly. Oh Christine, don't be absurd." She giggled.

"Jason, and I just hired Ric, to join our law firm. Christine, Paul. You know, Molly's father, Ric. Hopefully, you can start, tomorrow, Ric." She, smiled at them.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Sun Jun 14, 2020, 18:06

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Avery Jerome


Avery went over, to Sonny and Anna, and smiled at them.

"Hi, dad. Hi, Anna." She, smiled, and hugged them tightly.

Posted by Avery Jerome on Sun Jun 14, 2020, 16:06

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Christine came in with Paul, and smiled when she saw, Molly.

"Molly. Hi, Alexis. Ric. Paul, look whose here. He simply, adores, Molly. I should be jealous, shouldn't I." She, looked at them, and giggled. She hugged them all tightly.

Posted by Christine on Sat Jun 13, 2020, 21:06

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Molly looked around, and saw Alexis and Ric, and wondered what that was about. So, she went over to them.

"Hey guys. Is, there something, I should know." She, looked at them.

Posted by Molly on Sat Jun 13, 2020, 18:06

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"It is, when I'm working. And, when we're dating, you're big spender." She giggled, then kissed him back. "What would you like, Billy."

She turned, when she heard Kristina and smiled. "Hi, Kristina." She heard Billy, and smiled. "Of course, it's okay. I would, absolutely love that. And, Faith is so thrilled to be a big sister. And, forget, Mariah. They love the babies. Any time, you need us, Kristina." She, looked at Billy, and smiled.

Posted by Sharon on Sat Jun 13, 2020, 15:06

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