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Carly was behind the bar, when she saw Alexis come in with, Patrick.  "What the hell, are you doing with her."  She looked at him.

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Cameron Spencer


Cameron went over to Danny and Josslyn with Oscar, Jake and Aiden. "Happy Birthday, Danny. Aiden made you his famous cookies." He chuckled softly.

Posted by Cameron Spencer on Wed Jun 10, 2020, 23:06

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Dylan McAvoy


Dylan went over to Danny and Josslyn. "Happy Birthday, Danny." He hugged him. He hugged Josslyn. Then went over to say hello to everyone. He saw Courtney over by Liesl. "What was that about?" He asked with concern.

Posted by Dylan McAvoy on Wed Jun 10, 2020, 23:06

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Sam finally had the chance, to go see Jill and Tracy. She, hugged them, and Robert and Victor.

"I don't know how, I can thank you, Jill. Aunt Tracy. I'm home, because of you, and I'll never forget all that you've done for me, and my family." She, looked at them and smiled.

Posted by Samantha on Wed Jun 10, 2020, 22:06

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Alexis Morgan


Alexis giggled. "Of course, I remember, Kim. It's so good, to see you again. And, Elizabeth. The babies, already know you, from the hospital.

The boys all look, so wonderful. And, Josslyn. Is having a ball over there. Oh, look. Tracy is bringing Jill over, to meet them. And, there goes Victor, and Robert. I can see, how much, the babies like you girls. And, don't be strangers. Don't forget, these boys are my sons too." She looked at them, and grinned.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Wed Jun 10, 2020, 16:06

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Elizabeth came with Kim, and the boys.

"Hi, Alexis. We just got off." Elizabeth hugged her. "You, remember, Kim. She just came back from her break. "Can I take her over to the babies." They watched as the boys went over to Danny. She giggled. "Watch out, for Josslyn. Don't knock, her over." She giggled.

They went with Alexis to see the babies. They felt Alexis hand them a baby as they sat down.

Posted by Elizabeth on Wed Jun 10, 2020, 13:06

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Sharon went over to Billy, and smiled.

"Hey, Big Tipper. Would you like, a drink." She grinned at him.

Posted by Sharon on Tue Jun 09, 2020, 19:06

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Alexis Morgan


Alexis smiled when she saw, Nikolas. "Hello, Nikolas. And, Spencer. How are you, boys." She, hugged them tightly.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Tue Jun 09, 2020, 18:06

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Emily took a couple of ice teas and sat down next to, A. J. She smiled, and handed him a glass.

"How's it going, A. J. Are you feeling better, or do you think it time." She looked at him, and sighed. "Either way, I love you, and I'm here for, you."

Posted by Emily on Tue Jun 09, 2020, 16:06

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Hayden was looking for Violet, when she saw her with Penny, and Avery. She started going to the bar, when she saw Jason, and grinned. She then, walked over to him.

"Excuse me, Liesl. But, I do believe, Jason has this dance with, me. Why, don't you go see, A. J. He's all by himself." She took Jason's hand, and walked with him, to the dance floor, and smiled at him.

Posted by Hayden on Tue Jun 09, 2020, 12:06

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Liesl looked at Courtney, and laughed.

"Little girl, little girl. Go run to, mommy. And, do not flatter, yourself." Liesl picked up her, Martini, and saw Jason, and smiled.

"Hello, brother. How about, a dance." She, smiled at him.

Posted by Liesl on Mon Jun 08, 2020, 22:06

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Emma came in with Spencer, and smiled. "Oh look, there's my mom. Let's go, say hello."

"Hi, mom. grandma, Uncle Sonny. Or, should I say, Grandpa." She giggled. "Hi, Aunt Maxie. Isn't this great." She looked at them, and grinned.

Posted by Emma on Mon Jun 08, 2020, 17:06

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Carly came over, when she saw Josslyn and Danny come in. She giggled, when she heard Josslyn.

"Josslyn is right. We had a fantastic time. And, next week is at my house. Sam, I hope you and John can join us." She went over to Victor, and hugged him tightly, then every one.

Posted by Carly on Mon Jun 08, 2020, 14:06

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Courtney saw Liesl sitting at the bar, and went over to her, and smiled. She sat down, next to her.

"Hello, Granny. What ever, mind games, you think you're playing with, Dylan. You will stop it now. Or, I will tell my mother, and you will never get to see, your Natasha again. I'm warning, you."

Posted by Courtney on Mon Jun 08, 2020, 12:06

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"I did meet, Victor. We had, so much fun, right Billy. Even my mom, had to admit, she was having fun." She giggled. "I know, Aunt Tracy was surprised. Hey, John. Where is your little, Angel. I can't wait, to play with her." She, giggled.

Posted by Josslyn on Mon Jun 08, 2020, 01:06

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Alexis Morgan


Alexis smiled at them. "Oh, look. Our birthday boy is here. Hi, every one. There's my boy. Happy Birthday, Danny. I love you much." She, hugged him tightly. Then, Josslyn." She grinned at them.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 22:06

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