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Carly was behind the bar, when she saw Alexis come in with, Patrick.  "What the hell, are you doing with her."  She looked at him.

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William Abbott


Billy made his way to the Metro Court and got on the elevator. When he got off, he went over to Danny, Josslyn, Sam, John, Tracy and Victor. "Happy Birthday, Danny!" He hugged him and Josslyn. Then hugged Sam and Tracy and shook John and Victor's hands.

Posted by William Abbott on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 21:06

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™John McBain


John went over to Danny and Josslyn with Sam. "Happy Birthday, Danny." He shook his hand. He saw Tracy come over with Victor and smiled.

Posted by ™John McBain on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 21:06

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Victor Newman


Victor smiled at Danny. "Happy Birthday, Danny. Congratulations on your engagement as well."

Posted by Victor Newman on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 21:06

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Daniel Morgan


Danny smiled when he saw Tracy and Victor come over to them. "Thank you, Tracy." He felt her hug and hugged her back a little bit tighter. He nodded his head. "I've seen Victor at a lot of our family functions." He chuckled softly. "Nice to see you again, Victor." He said as he shook his hand.

Posted by Daniel Morgan on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 21:06

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Tracy Quartermaine


Tracy was about to make her way over to Alexis, Nikki, and Luke, when Danny came in.

"Happy Birthday, Danny. And, congratulations on your engagement. You too, Josslyn dear. You, remember, Victor. I was, just about, to introduce him to, Luke."

She giggled and hugged him tightly, then Josslyn, then Sam. "Danny, do you, know Victor. Josslyn met him, when she came to the house the other day with, Penny." She, grinned at them.

Posted by Tracy Quartermaine on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 19:06

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Daniel Morgan


Danny smiled when Sam came over. He felt her hug and hugged her back a little bit tighter. "Thank you, Mom. I love you too." He looked around and saw the tables with the gifts. "I think it's amazing. Thank you so much." He felt her hug and hugged her back a little bit tighter and smiled when she kissed his cheek. He chuckled softly when he heard Josslyn. "We'll figure out a way." He laughed. He saw John and smiled as he shook his hand. "It's nice to see you again, John."

Posted by Daniel Morgan on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 18:06

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Josslyn giggled when Sam hugged her. "I love you too, mom. This is incredible, as always." Josslyn looked around, and saw the table.

"Omg, Danny. Is that table, all for, Danny. Oh, and look at the table for the babies. How are we ever, going to take everything home." She, looked at them, and giggled.

Posted by Josslyn on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 17:06

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Sam was talking to John, when she saw Danny come in.

"Danny's here, John." She went over to him, and smiled. "Happy Birthday, Danny, my love. I love you, so much." She, hugged him tightly. "Hello, Josslyn." She hugged tightly too. "I love you too."

"What do you think." She, hugged him again, and kissed his left cheek.

Posted by Samantha on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 17:06

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Daniel Morgan


Danny and Josslyn finally arrived. When they got off the elevator, he smiled when he saw everybody.

Posted by Daniel Morgan on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 16:06

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Nikki Spencer


"Hello, Alexis, Sweetheart. How are, you." She, smiled and hugged her tightly.

"You, really must love my son so much, to give him eight beautiful children. I just don't know how, you do it, and look as beautiful as you do, every time." She hugged her tightly again.

Posted by Nikki Spencer on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 13:06

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Alexis Morgan


Alexis finally had a chance to get up and walk around. She, saw Nikki and Luke, and went over to say hello.

"Hello, you two. I'm so glad, you came." She, smiled and hugged Nikki and Luke.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Sun Jun 07, 2020, 02:06

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Sasha was dancing with Michael, and smiled. "Look at the kids, Michael. I can see why, Jason wants a house full of them. I think, that I want, a house full of kids too." She, looked at him, and giggled. "I'm hoping, that, we have twins too." She giggled again, and softly kissed his lips.

Posted by Sasha on Sat Jun 06, 2020, 23:06

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Maxie saw James with James, and Wiley, and Jason, jr. She then saw Robin come in, and smiled.

"Robin. I'm so glad to see you." She, hugged her tightly. Then Anna, and Sonny. "This is incredible. No one, was taking pictures, so I did. Look." She, showed them all the pictures. "I'm going to make an album for Alexis and Jason. If you guys, want any pictures, just let me know." She, grinned at them.

Posted by Maxie on Sat Jun 06, 2020, 22:06

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Robin was surprised to receive an invitation, to come to Danny's party. She, came in and put Danny's present on the table. She then saw the presents for the babies, and put the presents there too. She looked around, and saw her mother, and Sonny.

"Hello, mother. Hi, Sonny. I take it, everything is okay now. I was going to say hello to Alexis, and Jason. But, it looks like I might, have to wait." She, giggled looking at them.

Posted by Robin on Sat Jun 06, 2020, 17:06

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Penelope Morgan


"Violet." She giggled when Violet ran to her. She picked her up, and hugged her tightly. "Mmm. Okay, We're going home now." She giggled.

Posted by Penelope Morgan on Sat Jun 06, 2020, 14:06

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