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Carly was behind the bar, when she saw Alexis come in with, Patrick.  "What the hell, are you doing with her."  She looked at him.

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Jason Morgan


Jason chuckled softly when he heard Alexis. "You're welcome, Alexis. You can say that again." He laughed then saw James with little James. "Hey guys. Look at you. You're getting so big." He saw Liesl and smiled as he felt her hug. He hugged her back a little bit tighter. "Hi, Liesl. Sure, you can." He took the gift from AJ and placed it with the others. "Thank you, AJ." He hugged him then watched as Britt came to get Liesl. When she came back, he heard what she said and sighed. He looked at Alexis. "I don't know." He saw Anna and Sonny and took the gift from her. "Thank you, Anna, Sonny." He hugged them. He looked at AJ. "Is this what you want AJ?" He asked with concern then saw Monica come over. "Hey Mom." He hugged her as he took the gift. "Thank you. It's my place to tell." He looked at AJ.

Posted by Jason Morgan on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 23:06

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Monica came in with Emily, Nikolas, Spencer, and Emma. They saw the table with the presents for Danny, and put their presents their. Every one, went their separate ways to say hello. Monica then saw A. J. with Alexis, and Jason and went over to them.

"Hello, every one. Is everything, o.k. She gave the flowers to Alexis, and the baby presents to, Jason. She, looked at them.

Posted by Monica on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 20:06

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Anna smiled at Britt, and Jack. "Thank you, very much, Britt. This is not your fault. I just think that she was defending, Sam. But, then again, we have never liked each other." She, smiled at Jack.

"Jack, we were spies, on opposite side. I was good, of course." She looked at Britt, and giggled. "She, was bad. It's very nice, to meet, you. Patrick and Billy, told me, all about you.

Would you excuse me, for one minute. We haven't had the chance, to bring this over to Alexis and Jason. Thank you, again, Britt."

"They went over to, Alexis. Excuse me. Sonny, and I wanted to give you these flowers, Alexis. These are presents for the babies, and this is for, Danny. Thank you, for inviting us." She watched as Sam came over to them.

"Hi, Sam. These are for, you." She, smiled at them.

Posted by Anna on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 18:06

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Alexis Morgan


Alexis looked at Jason. "What happened. Never mind. A. J. Britt is right. I'll start the paper work, first thing tomorrow morning. Would you like Christine, Scotty, or Ric. But, I have to tell you, Ric is the best lawyer for you right now.

Scotty is in love with Jason right now for Gail and Lee, and he might feel conflicted, as well as Christine. I'm going to send Ric, to you. Come home, with us tonight. Britt and James can gather up, all your belongings at the apartment. Just leave everything, to Ric, and I." She, hugged him tightly.

She looked at him.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 18:06

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Kyle Abbott


Kyle chuckled softly as he watched Kristina bring Jack over to Sonny and Anna. He looked at Billy and Adella. "While your mom is with your Uncle Jack and Grandpa Sonny. How about we go over to get something to eat?" He smiled at them.

Posted by Kyle Abbott on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 18:06

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Jack Abbott


Jack smiled when he saw Kristina come over with Adella and Billy. "Hi Kristina, it's so good to see you again." He hugged her then knelt down to the kids. "Hi Adella, Billy. Look at how big the two of you are getting." He hugged them then stood back up. "I might have run into Anna briefly awhile ago. No, I haven't had the chance to meet your father." He went over to them with Kristina. "Hi Anna, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jack Abbott, Patrick and Billy's brother." He looked at Sonny. "We finally meet Sonny." He shook his hand.

Posted by Jack Abbott on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 18:06

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"Mother. Excuse us, Alexis, Jason." Britt took Liesl out of the room, to a place, where no one could hear them. "The only reason why, we brought you here was because you promised A. J., James, and I was because you would behave yourself. Now either you go and apologize to Anna and Sonny, or you can find your way home.

Patrick is going to be here, and I don't want you starting anything with him. And, you're upsetting, Jack. This is his first time with us." She watched Liesl leave, and sighed.

She went back over to Alexis and Jason. "I'm very sorry. She left, cause she can't promise anything any more." She hugged, A. J. You, deserve better, A. J. I know, a good divorce lawyer. Seriously."

She, then went over to Anna, and Sonny. "I am very sorry about, my mother. I told her leave. Please, forgive me." She, looked at them, and sighed.

Posted by Britt on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 17:06

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Kristina Corinthos


Kristina took Adella and Billy, over to see Jack. "Hi, Jack. How are you. Have you met my dad yet. Adella, Billy. You, know, Uncle Jack. Excuse me, Jack. I'll be right back."

She went over to, Sonny. "Hi, dad. Hi, Anna. If you want, Sam and I can beat her up for you." She giggled, and hugged him and Anna. "Come meet Jack. Kyle's, dad." She grinned at him.

Posted by Kristina Corinthos on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 15:06

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James Reeves


James shook his head when he saw Liesl laugh at Sonny and Anna. He was about to tell her to stop when AJ beat him to it. "Hi, Anna, Sonny." He said as he held James and went over to Alexis and Jason. "Congratulations. The babies are adorable." He hugged her and shook Jason's hand. "See the baby, James."

Posted by James Reeves on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 15:06

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AJ Quartermaine


AJ sighed when Liesl laughed at Sonny and Anna. "Liesl, please be nice. Hey Sonny, Anna." He then went over to Jason and Alexis. "Congratulations on the babies. This is a little something for them." He handed Jason the gift and put Danny's present on the table. "They are so beautiful." He hugged them.

Posted by AJ Quartermaine on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 15:06

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Sonny Corinthos


Sonny sighed when he heard Anna. "If Sam hasn't forgiven you yet. Then, just continue to give her more time. Everyone else has forgiven you." He heard Liesl laugh at them and shook his head. "As far as Liesl goes, ignore her."

Posted by Sonny Corinthos on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 15:06

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Liesl came to The Metro with A. J. Britt, Jack, Maxie and James. When they came off the elevator they saw, Anna and Sonny. Liesl giggled, and went inside.

"There's my, Natasha. Hello, my love." She, hugged her tightly. "Hello, Jason." She hugged him. "May I hold, one of the babies." She, looked at them. "Look how, adorable they are." She, smiled softly at him.

Posted by Liesl on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 14:06

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Anna came off the elevator with, Sonny. She had flowers for Alexis and Samantha. Baby presents and a birthday present for, Danny, from them. She looked at him.

"I'm a bit nervous, Sonny. I think that Alexis has forgiven me, but I'm still not sure about, Sam." She, looked at him, and sighed.

Posted by Anna on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 13:06

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Alexis Morgan


Alexis giggled. "Thank you, husband. They don't know, their own strength.

Every one, please. Help yourself to the buffet. You, know we're informal here. And, the bar is open." She, giggled.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 12:06

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Jason Morgan


Jason smiled when Sharon came over to him. "Hi Sharon. Thank you. These kids grow up so fast. It's crazy." He looked over at Jason and chuckled. "You can say that again. He just loves Victoria." He saw Sam come in with John, Julian, Emily, Hayden and Violet. "Hey guys. Thank you, Sam. Yeah, this is your little brother." He looked at Violet and smiled. "Hello there, Violet. It's nice to finally meet you, sweetheart." He watched as she went to go and help Sharon. He laughed hearing John. "Just be lucky, they're kids right now." He saw Molly, Johnny, Kyle and Kristina. "Hi Molly. The gifts for Danny go right over there." He said as he pointed to the table. He put Lee in the stroller as he hugged her and took the gift. "Thank you, Molly." He hugged everybody and laughed as he saw Alexis fall down with the kids. "Excuse me for one second." He went over to Alexis. "Need a hand there, wife?" He chuckled as he helped her up. "Guess you guys were very excited to see Grandma that you knocked her over."

Posted by Jason Morgan on Thu Jun 04, 2020, 01:06

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