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Carly was behind the bar, when she saw Alexis come in with, Patrick.  "What the hell, are you doing with her."  She looked at him.

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Patrick Drake


Patrick chuckled when he heard Billy. "Shut it, Billy. I'm not scared of a 4 year old." He laughed.

Posted by Patrick Drake on Sat Nov 16, 2019, 17:11

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Dylan McAvoy


Dylan chuckled softly when he heard Billy. He looked at Jason. "At least you know it runs in the family."

Posted by Dylan McAvoy on Sat Nov 16, 2019, 05:11

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William Abbott


Billy looked at them. "The best time to meet Jason Jr. Would be to have Patrick and Victoria there as well. You'll get to see your son scared of a 4 year old." He chuckled softly.

Posted by William Abbott on Sat Nov 16, 2019, 04:11

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Alexis Morgan


Alexis smiled at, Jill. "Of course, Jill. We would love, for you, to meet the kids."

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Thu Nov 07, 2019, 01:11

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"Victoria. Has any one told you, you are completely lousy, at introductions. You're just lucky, how much I love, you." Jill giggled. "And, yes. You're right. I came here, to exclusively meet this Tracy Quartermaine. But, I can see, the reason why my son, loves you so much. She, hugged Tracy. Victor."

Jill went over to Maxie. "So, you must be, my long lost daughter, Maxie. We're going to have to get, to know each other aren't we."

Jill went over, to Alexis and Jason. "Thank you, for letting me, crash your party. We have to get to know each other, since Patrick never stops talking about the two of you. And, I can't wait, to this Jason, who wants to marry my daughter. And, every one. Thank you." Jill then went to sit back down.

Posted by Jill on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 21:11

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Victoria felt Jill's push. "Oh." Victoria giggled. "You, know my sister, Abby. Is there, any one else, I forgot." Victoria giggled.

Posted by Victoria on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 17:11

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"Oh. Come with, me." Victoria took Jill's hand, walked over to, Tracy. Jill this is Tracy, whom you've come to see. And, now you know. You have, nothing to worry about." Victoria hugged Tracy and Victor. "And, you know, my dad." Victoria, giggled.

Posted by Victoria on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 17:11

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Victoria stood up, and hugged Patrick, and Maxie. "Jill, this is Maxie. Patrick's sister. We'll explain everything at home." Victoria giggled. "Let me, introduce you, to every one. Every one. This Patrick and Billy's mother, Jill Abbott.

Jill, this is my brother, Jason and my sister-in-law, Alexis. Alexis is giving us, this beautiful luncheon. You, know Dylan, of course. This is his wife, Courtney. And, this is, Alan. Jason and Dylan's father. This is Robin. Patrick's first wife.

Carly, come here please. This is, Carly Spencer. She owns Metro and our very good friend. And, you know Sharon. And, of course, Billy." Victoria giggled.

Posted by Victoria on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 16:11

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Patrick Drake


Patrick smiled when he heard Maxie. He felt her hug and hugged her back a little bit tighter. "Thank you, Maxie."

Posted by Patrick Drake on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 15:11

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Maxie got up, and went over to, Patrick. "I can't control myself any more." She, hugged Patrick tightly."

Posted by Maxie on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 14:11

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Jason Morgan


Jason smiled when he felt Alexis squeeze his hand. He heard Alan and smiled. "Thank you, Dad. That really does mean a lot."

Posted by Jason Morgan on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 14:11

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Patrick Drake


Patrick smiled when he heard Alan. "Thank you very much, Alan." He looked at Jason and Alexis. "See, even your father thinks so."

Posted by Patrick Drake on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 13:11

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Alan Quartermaine


Alan smiled at them. "Congratulations, Patrick. You have earned it. Jason, he's right about you being the perfect person to continue the tradition of reading the Christmas story."

Posted by Alan Quartermaine on Wed Nov 06, 2019, 13:11

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Alexis Morgan


"Jason." She squeezed his hand tightly, and smiled up, at him.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Tue Nov 05, 2019, 14:11

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Jason Morgan


Jason chuckled softly upon hearing Patrick. "I noticed." He laughed. He looked at him and nodded his head. "It would be my honor to continue the tradition of reading the Christmas Story. So, my answer is yes." He smiled at him.

Posted by Jason Morgan on Mon Nov 04, 2019, 04:11

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