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RP definitions+ Common Mistakes (RP 101)
Category: Uncategorized

RP Glossary

These are a few definitions to help anyone  who wishes to know the language of roleplay  to actually know the language of roleplay.

Autoplay: Autoplay is the act of  controlling someone else's character. This can be,but not limited to autokilling, the act of killing a character without the consent of another,  autoraping: having sex without consent of another and autowounding, forcing damage on someone else.

OOC:  Commonly known as Out of Character. Can be  displayed also as (( a statement in beetween double parentheses)). When it is done, and it is typically done in  the case of  a writing which is mostly in character, it shows that  the particular statement is uttered out of character. Some people ,wrongly so,  mix OOC  within their in character(see IC) comments  and claim that they're  out of character when they are not.

IC: In Character, this is usually used when  someone says OOC and goes back to the In  Character storyline. 

OOC Drama: The usually purposeful act of  harassing/bullying another roleplayer and causing  chaos that subtracts from roleplay

Meta-gaming: Lit. "All Gaming" or "Over Gaming." This is a common error in roleplay where people assume that  OOC known knowledge is  IC as well this gives an advantage to  someone unfairly in a storyline  such as knowing where an ambush is without sending scouts or  spies.

Style: Style is the  type of roleplay that is done in terms of  length.   This ranges from Oneliner to semipara to para to multipara to the novella.

God moding: God moding can be anything from not accepting   ANY  damage to creating an over powered character who cannot be defeated no matter what.

Common Mistakes in RP

Miscalculating damage. This is done either by the receiver or giver and its typically where  damage is  attempted, but  the person doesn't accept it to how it would logically be in a real life scenario. This is not autoplay or god moding, and this can be  corrected by a third neutral party being a judge in the storyline unless someone were to actually  do the research on history and medical science. This could be like someone trying to cut at armor, which may dent or something but allow the person to be killed.(especially true of chainmail, which cannot be  cut but only stabbed) 

Approaching with the intent of RP Sex. Some roleplayers  make the mistake of centering RP all about sex. This creates a scenario of no storyline  being done, and no cleverness  comes from it.

Expecting for discussion of stories. The problem with this is that creative juices cannot  be flowing if someone knows what happens. Roleplay is playing a role, and part of playing a role is full immersion.

Lack of research.  This is applied both to what has been said before and to characters in themselves. The failure to read about a character who you  intend to roleplay with or  even your own(in the case of  characters  borrowed/ not created) can lead to severe inconsistencies, and in RP battle: cringy acts are done. This can also lead to someone confusing a mean character with their author, who may not be mean.

Jumping to OOC.  This mistake is where you overuse the OOC option, and this interferes with a storyline. on top of creating unnecessary tension. Also, when people  respond to OOC dram with more OOC, this creates a situation where the OOC Drama wins and the cyberbully/harasser  wins.

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