Fabian Grigorov (TDG)

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Age: 37
Sign: Leo

Country: Bulgaria
Signup Date: October 27, 2015

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Veselina's Rescue
Category: Uncategorized

Fabian had been searching for his sister for centuries. He would speak to the old vampires in Bulgaria, Russia , and England and so many other places all trying to get tips on where Veselina could be. He knew she was alive but where and who had her were still a mystery. As soon as he got a clue he'd go search for her but always came up short she was never there when he found his youngest sister Socha she also began the hunt again never finding her. Years went on and on and all the clues went cold no one was speaking no one would say a word. Fabian never gave up hope he knew she was out there he could sense her even with Sorcha's magic she couldn't pinpoint where their sister could be. Whoever had her knew how to disguise where their location was. Fabian and his sister joined forces with a family of lycans the Dread’s with their help he had high hopes on finding his sister Veselina. All he had left of hers was a lock of her hair and a piece of fabric torn from her dress she wore when she was taken he believed by giving the sent to the lycans perhaps they could track her down.

It was early October when Fabian got word from Nici Dread that Veselina's sent was tracked down to Russia. She had sent her brothers Dario and Dedric to further investigate her whereabouts. Fabian was confused he had searched Russia years ago and nothing perhaps she had been moved recently. He waited a few days but no news he couldn't take it he headed off to Russia Sorcha couldn't bear another failed attempt she stayed behind. Once in Russia Fabian used his contacts. After speaking to a not so popular vampire clan he was told an old count had been moving his wives all around Europe. Fabian knew she must have been one of the wives that was moved when Fabian got back to his hotel room Dario was waiting at the door “we found her Fabian she's alive but sick she hasn't fed in months we have a plan to get her out” Fabian gave a small sigj he would kill anyone on sight Veselina would be rescued and brought home.

Fabian got some of his friends and with the help of the lycans they stormed the underground caves. Some of the wives were set free when they were found Fabian yelled out to his sister all he could hear was a small moan coming from the last cell killing the two guards instantly. Fabian used his strength breaking the cell door right off his sister Veselina was chained by her feet laying in the corner of the cell dirty and her face sunken in she hadn't had blood in a very long time. Fabian ran to her side he took a bite of his wrist and fed her his blood she began to drink slowly. After a few moments Her sunken face turned into a glowing pale one. Veselina finally recognized her brother Fabian she quickly wrapped her arms around him She whimpered “you found me,you finally found me thank you brother I was near death” Fabian hugged her back “I am taking you home Sorcha is waiting for us you are safe now” He lifted her up and took her back to the hotel he got her more blood. They traveled back home when she got all her strength it was a loving reunion the Grigorov family was now reunited.

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