The Banishment of Candy La Mara (3 Months) March 22 2022 Category: Blogging
The Banishment of Candy La Mara (3 Months)
There have been things that have come to the attention of the Rulers of
House of Solomon. There is an individual within House of Solomon that
has been causing drama and also has the audacity to call out other
members of the family; and even other members of House of Solomon. This
just does not tarnish the La Mara name, but tarnishes what House of
Solomon as a whole is.
It is quite unfortunate that it has to come down to this. But because
they have not learned their lesson when spoken to multiple times. As of
today; Candy La Mara is banished from House of Solomon. The set banished
time is still being discussed.
The drama is not needed and needs to stop. For it is childish behavior.
Furthermore, calling out members of House of Solomon is against the
rules and is looked highly down upon. It does not matter how many
characters that you have within House of Solomon, it is not an
obligation upon their part on telling others of whom they write as. That
information does not need to be shared. Furthermore, if another, other
than the writer, exposes who the writer is, without their permission; it
is not only wrong but it is against the rules.
Until she has learned this lesson, and understands the consequences;
Candy La Mara is banished. For the time being, Candy La Mara please
remove HOS from of your name.
—Emperor Axel Chevalier-La Mara and Rulers of House of Solomon
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