Pale Night +Mother of Demons+

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Status: Swinger
Age: 119
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Signup Date: October 17, 2020

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Young Blake Knight - Part 1: Featuring Lynne Kastellanos, Daughter of the Moon
Category: Uncategorized

Out of Character Note:  Lynne's inclusion of her character is by her permission.  She asked me to write up a story of our character's younger selves.  She has my original.  I cleaned some things up, rewrote some lines, added some more.

The universe groans and reality crinkles.  At midnight, there are two girls, two friends shined by the bright light of a full pale moon, walking home from somewhere.  The night and the moon merging together as one.  The Pale One is awakening.  It is happening right now or it will soon happen in the next coming nights.  The coming of age of a witch, and no matter what is done to stop it, it is still going to happen, the horrorific coming of the Pale Night.

Then there is the Daughter of the Moon.  A Lone Wolf.  Orphaned, a passion in her heart, stars in her eyes, love in her soul.  Twisted from the storms to be sure, restless underneath the skin, but part of the natural order of the world.  She is not the threat.  She may be the savior.  Her awakening coinciding with that of the Pale One.

Face to face, side by side, hand in hand, at a privileged school they are always are.  Their uniforms are not exactly uniform.  Both are rebels.  The pale one has that innocence still.  A pact made, Blake Knight has a serrated knife in her right hand, and in the other is young Lynne Kastellanos' left hand.  Their pact of friendship, their "Bloody Handshake".

Blake raises her knife to their hands.  The two of them are close, often having disagreements with each other, able to influence each other enough.  Maybe that has changed ever since their appropriate ages of awakening.  They are both good girls, they are not bad girls, each one keeping the other from the edge.

Ice cold, razor sharp edge slices into their flesh, those pretty eyes of blue ice gazing into those pretty wolf hues.  The Pale Witch caught the Lone Wolf in the act.  The Lone Wolf caught the Pale Witch in the act.  Which one was more disturbing?  First Blake's flesh, slow, letting the serrated edge give light kisses along her palm.  Keeps her gaze on her friend's face, raises her friend's hand while pulling it close.  Then Lynne's flesh of her palm, just as slow, maybe a bit deep.

Experimenting in pain Blake Knight has done since practicing witchcraft.  With the witch inside her awakening, she recognizes the wolf inside her friend.  Their pact, their "Bloody Handshake", to help one another when they need it.  Maybe to find each other when it is needed.  Contact with her friend's gaze still, they shake hands, Blake's odd smile beginning.

They shake hands.  Then Blake squeezes their bloody hands together, Blake pulls on her friend's hand hard, bringing their young teen bods together.  Their "Bloody Handshake", Blake Knight's spell, witch and wolf bonded.  An ice cold gaze frozen with budding bisexuality dives down into those shy wolf hues.  The teen witch stares into the eyes of HER wolf, HER friend, HER Lynne.  A kiss almost shared, almost taken by Blake, that odd smile of Blake's remaining.

How did Lynne Kastellanos respond at the end of this?  What happened next?  Did things change between them after this pact on the next school day?  Maybe Blake and Lynne are the only ones that know for the UNIVERSE and REALITY itself always remains scared when it comes to the Pale One.

The two girls are interrupted.  They are accousted.  They are being bothered by a boy or two, who look more like men.  A look being pulled away from HER Lynne, it is maybe this night that Lynne has an up close and personal view of Blake Knight's budding necromancy and cannibalistic hunger.

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