Rules In The Making Category: Blogging
One: This is a role playing page on a role playing site for writing, escape, and to have fun.
Two: This isn't a dating site and I don't want to hook up with you, talk to you on the phone, have phone sex with you, be your girlfriend, cyber with you, add you on Facebook, make a Discord for you so you can try to cyber with me, or asking me if you want to send me pictures of your dick.
Three: You're on the wrong site if you're looking for that. Besides, if I'm seeing you (which I am) logged on and online on 5 other active role playing sites with the same exact character, with the same name, with the same default, with nothing but blank white nothing on your page, are you really wanting to actually role play and write?
Four: There's ONE exception to the very last of THREE because he's nice, a gentleman, and not once has he tried to push me or pressure me or force me. And READ what I just typed here, I SAID THE LAST OF THREE. So, if you're thinking otherwise, you're WRONG.
Five: My character, my page, my choice of what I want to put on it and what I don't want to put on it. My choice of who I have on my top, in what order they are, and how I express them on my page. Pressuring me, hounding me, harassing me, ultimatum-ing me, TRYING to dominate me, isn't going to get you anywhere. And if you're doing that when I see that your page is utterly blank and doesn't have yours truly on it, or I'm not in your tops or as your top, THEN YOU'RE MOST DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO GET WHAT YOU WANT.
Six: Show me your story with me, show me your imagination. If you're going to not do anything with your top list and let it be in order of who you add, REALLY? I've not once been a bitch and demanded yours truly to be on your tops or your #1. Cool it.
Seven: Oh wait! Bitchy blonde moment here! I actually have done that. When I saw one of my FOREVERS signed on with his same duplicate character on the 5 other active role playing sites with the same name, default, and the same whole page of nothingness of story, WHEN YOURS TRULY IS EXCLUSIVELY ON FANDOMAIN.
Eight: MY CHARACTER and her writer are BI and lean towards women. Deal with it. MY FOREVER Girlfriends and Female LOVES (they know who they are) are under my protection. My loves, friends, girlfriends, crushes, platonic ones, any and all my daughters. FOREVERS means different things to my character and her muse. You do not want them to have me go to you and EAT you for your indiscretions.
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