Pale Night +Mother of Demons+

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Vanished, But Not Before The Blood
Category: Blogging

Like all things, they die.  Camelot never lasted.  How could it last?  The Roman Empire was too powerful.  Conquered, raped, and left after that empire grew too vast for their own good.  The Middle Ages.  The Dark Ages.  There was that, and then there was the bloody feud between the people of the old and Camelot, of the beginnings of good ole' England.

The wild and free people of mysticism against the Crown, against the Church, against the new religion.  No more of the pagan gods, no more of the entities of the green and of the fae.  No more.  Conquered, suppressed, what the free people believe are demonized.  Their land is taken.  Outsiders try to conquer them, then it is from within.  Their brothers and sisters across the straights, across the sea, who take their land, or cousins really.

There is the first, the one to be named first, Blake.  Blake Knight's ancestor.  She is British, through and through.  Born in blood, born from sin, and born from virgin nobility, like she is born from just a mother and she became a member of a family in a way.  This is where it all started for Blake Knight's lineage in her friend's world.

From this land, from these people, an unknown demon arises.  Love, hate, forever, it was time to move on.  The Lady Of The Lake would breathe a sigh of relief.  The Pale Night merely smiles.  There is a purpose to her birth, and there is a purpose to her disappearance.  The Pale Night has planned this long before any of your worlds and realms were created, with stolen Abyssal energies the Mother of Demons might add.

Her purpose, her drive, is all the same in every world and realm, against every religion linked to the divines.  Lesser, equal, greater, it did not matter to her.

The event that happened that allowed her to vanish and move on happened on a night when the moon was full and pale.  It happened when the moon turned red.  Red with blood.  Blood was shed in the most coldest, darkest, and evil ways.  Was there a witness to this?

For now, that is unknown.

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