Psychotic Impulses (Poetry/Short Stories)

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Terror Against Horror (Alternate Version)
Category: Blogging

(Here we see the smaller, yet still massive Dogmen using both speed and intelligence to their advantage, as they almost pull off the perfect victory against an even larger opponent, but a terrible mistake ended up costing them dearly!) 

The Dogman pack quickly moves in and out of battle,
Successfully attacking the Sasquatch clan multiple times.
Inflicting ghastly wounds while mostly keeping their distance,
Although sometimes one or two of them are brutally killed,
As the enraged apes literally rip the canids limb from limb!
Yet this is their best chance to finally emerge victorious,
By using the open terrain for vicious hit and run tactics,
Which eventually wear down these exhausted enemies.

But the upright canines make an almost fatal mistake,
Which nearly ends up costing them every pack member,
As they suddenly become impatient and lose control,
By rushing in for the kill and this indeed proves deadly,
Because the wounded Sasquatch can now fight back,
Far more effectively with greater results than before!
Soon most of the Dogman pack are killed or wounded,
Yet the last massive ape creature is finally destroyed!

They begin howling in victorious and sadistic triumph,
Before ripping and tearing open their slaughtered prey,
As the Dogmen start feasting on raw mangled flesh!
Pulling apart entrails along with other internal organs,
Wicked teeth and sinister claws make very short work,
Of the Sasquatch clan who nearly won the brutal conflict!
But in due time the surviving pack members limp away, 
Never to return as they slowly heal from various injuries.

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