Alexis Morgan

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Age: 66
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Alexis and Jason's, Living Room.
Category: Uncategorized

Alexis was in the Living Room, watching t.v., when she saw Elizabeth come in and Aiden and Jane, and smiled softly at, them.

"Hi guys, come in.  You, can put on, whatever you want to.  I'm not really watching it."  She, got up, and went over to hug them all.  Did Jason take you on a tour of the house, to see where everything is."  She, smiled softly at, them.

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Emily, came downstairs, to get something to eat. She, saw every one, in the living room, and went inside.

"Hi. What's going on, Aunt Alexis." She, looked at them. "Hi, Elizabeth, Aiden." She, waved to the, baby.

Posted by Emily on Sat Jun 29, 2024, 17:06

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Alexis Morgan


She, showed Aiden how to work everything.

"Just so you know. We only have a couple of rules. We always keep the door locked, so Jason Jr., can't make his escape any more, to run over to, Serena and Benny. And, I'll get you the alarm code for you and boys, when to come in.

That's really, all we do around here, Elizabeth.

And, watch out for, Uncle Tony. He's becomes the Mad Hugger. And, so is Aunt Gloria. Mary is at your disposal, we get everything delivered. So whatever you guys want, just let Mary know. And, whatever else you need also. I'll go get us some coffee, and something to eat. Be right back.

This is your home to now, Elizabeth." She, smiled softly at her, and went to the kitchen.

Posted by Alexis Morgan on Sat Jun 29, 2024, 15:06

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Elizabeth, smiled softly at her. She, hugged her back tightly.

"No. Not yet, Alexis. He was going to do it today, when he came home later. This house is incredible. It's so beautiful. Well, Jane loves, to watch cartoons." She, smiled softly at, her.

Posted by Elizabeth on Thu Jun 27, 2024, 18:06

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