~lady raynes~lestat~
~withervane's shadowed rose~

Last Updated: Tue 08 Oct 2024, 13:20:21

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~unwanted inheritance~
Category: Uncategorized

~the summons~part 1~

~she had inherited who she was from her father. but her fleshy form was of her mother’s grace. behind closed eyes she could still see her beautiful smile, still smell the scent of her soft skin. her eyes flew open abruptly as she now remembered her screams as those of worldly humans torturing her carelessly. the smell of her burning flesh to this day lingered within her mind~

~she shook off the cold embrace of the shadows that coveted her soul. her eyes now embracing the traveling of the horseless carriage as its haunted hoof prints galloped through terrane she had only stood on once as a child. a part of her despising her father still of why he had taken her to withervane that day. she understood what he needed and wanted from her. she had met the blacksoul family as he told her she would. she held her respect intact for the elders as they paraded a ‘bout her as if she was a goddess of some kind~

”unreplaceable. a remarkable child lord raynes. ye be sure she is whom ye say she is, aye?”

~how she looked to her father that day with the man’s words scoring through her as if she was only flesh. her head rested again on the seat as her eyes drifted closed again. she whispered unto her soul to be calm. there was nothing that would change her life, her being or her future. a smile creased her dark crimson lips, and a slight chuckle caused the carriage to act as if it could understand the smirk on her face. it jolted back to its normal pace, and she had every intention of clearing her thoughts. wishing that when she did her memories of the horrible event would clear from her soul as well~

~hours seem to prevent her from reaching the unwanted destination and she cringed at the thought of the beings waiting for her. she was no longer the little girl they thought they were summoning. she was only half of her father. her thoughts drew her eyes to the letter within her gentle hands. she unrolled the papyrus paper, its ribbon falling to cradle within her lap. his words tore through her heart. she would never love him. she read on as her soul longed to wish that her fate had ended as her parents had~

~time passed as she slumbered. her last image embedded within her mind. within her sleep she could be where she pleased. but as that image of the full moon escaped her, unwillingly, she opened her dark eyes and there in the distance the mysts of withervane echoed within the winds that caressed her long dark tresses. a sigh sounded and the carriage acted as it did earlier. almost as if her soul called to it. but the carriage lingered on through the mysts. there was no more time left as it stopped at the huge starewell that led up into the castle. the withervane inhabitants stood almost as if at attention. his form stood mid center of the stairs. a motion of his thoughts and the carriage door opened. a strangely old man appeared and reached his hand to her. reluctantly, with respect to those who were advancing to greet her, she took his hand and exited the carriage~

~he stood still, remembering the child she once was upon meeting her so long ago. he coaxed her eyes to his own. no smile upon his face. but as hers took to the longing within his, and she lowered her form before him holding back the honor that belonged to another. she would not retreat from her promise to her father~

~that voice that haunted her dreams brought her to her knees~

“he shalt not touch ye m’lady. ye thath thine word.”

~dread fell upon her with his silence and lord vahhollyn, with a strut non the less, bowed to her as the last step brought him before her~

“no longer the child ye were before. lord blacksoul, should he embrace, this contract will be pleased m’lady.”

~ his hand reached for hers. she looked at it with contentment as she accepted it. he helped her to her feet as he turned towards the stairs~

“welcome home lady coltessa. castle raynes awaits ye soul.”

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