~lady raynes~lestat~
~withervane's shadowed rose~

Last Updated: Fri 11 Oct 2024, 18:42:55

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~unwanted inheritance~
Category: Uncategorized

~haunted caresses~part 2~

~the huge doubled doors slowly opened and he looked down on her form. he could feel whom she was to become. his wanting lips creased his awful smile as she looked up to him. suddenly she felt blacksoul somehow caressing her with warnings. his soft whispers invading more then her dream now~

“i am here child. vonhollynn will not touch ye. he had been warned long ago. our time together will approach us one day. but not this one. ye be thee only one who knows i am here”

~cold chills burned within her body. him being able to invade her dreams was one thing. but within her reality he now dared to make her endure him here as well. her hand was removed from vonhollynn’s as she felt more of the presence of many more souls within her home. she walked abruptly away from him and into the corridor leading into the vast entry way room. another set of stairs leading to the next floor with two sets of more stairs leading east and west. portraits covered the walls of her family, other houses of withervane and herself. she walked the next flight of stairs to her portrait within the middle of the divided stairs. the picture seemed haunting to her. she had no memory of sitting for a self-portrait. looking down at the people who had made their way into the room she felt her father’s presence. tears threatened to fall from her dark eyes and she whispered to him~

“father…i feel you”

~she didn’t want to move. but she heard no return of his voice, only the feel of him caressing her soul. she needed to hear his voice. a sadness fell upon her shadowed heart. she sighed deeply as vonhollynn took to the stairs as well~

“surely ye be wanting to rest from ye journey dear coltessa. ye room dear child is up to the east wing. i believe it to be just as ye left it child.”

~she did not wait for him nor anyone else to escort her there. she knew every inch of the castle. including ones others knew not to be in existence. the sound of the door to her room echoed through out the castle. lights seemed to summon on without a word from her. the smell of her mother’s perfumed lingered in the room. but the feel of her soul could not be felt. her mother and father’s wedding portrait hung above the mantle of the fireplace. vonhollynn entered the doorway and she turned to him. her eyes wishing she could burn him where he stood~

“i wish to be alone m’lord.”

~he studied her, his eyes looking to her as if she had no right to dismiss him. his approach was swift almost as if his feet never touched the floor. his cold hand invading her skin around her soft chin.

“dare ye dismiss your coven lord, lady raynes.”

~her voice was more than stern in reply to him. she did not fear him at all~

“might i remind ye m’lord. this be mine home. i shall dismiss whom i choose, when i choose to do so. be gone.”

~she gave him a brief smile and the slightest curtsy possible. remembering her status. one she knew was well above his own. he was only coven lord because of her father’s death and lord blacksoul to be assumed dead as well. she knew better. blacksoul had his reasons and made them known to her. as he angrily left her company. she felt more relieved and went to the darkened red box that laid on the mantle under her parents’ portrait. the amount of dust that covered it assured her that it had not been disturbed in the years of her being gone from withervane~

~gently removing the contents of the box she slowly left her bed chambers not making herself noticed to the people still being ushered from her home. disappointment in their eyes giving way to other feelings crushed her within. but she hoped that most of them would understand. a set of guards closed the door and remained at attention in front of them as the last clan members left. twins it would seem. gorgeous guards. hair longer than her own. the strength seemed brutally well kept~

~she looked to the key in her hand and stepped down from the east wing and brought herself to linger at the base of the west wing steps. she had not been within the corridors of the west wing since that dreadful day. her father’s voice echoing in her memories. his screams demanding her to flee to that forbidden room where no one would find her. as she looked to the steps, she took each one with a carefulness. knowing the presence that would be within that room  would not be of her father’s nor blacksouls. but one of the kindest souls of the coven~

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