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May Dove Canady
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said... on 05-13-2020 8:20:57
Human from the cult classic horror movie "May". An intelligent yet emotionally unstable woman, May has violent mood swings and is the very definition of the word psycho! Her passion for violence is only aroused for a brief moment, yet in the time span she can unleash horrific acts of brutality.

"So many pretty parts but no pretty wholes! I like weird. My name is May Dove Canady. I had a troubled childhood and was born with a lazy eye. Because of this condition, I was forced to wear a patch over it, which caused other kids to make fun of me and shun me from school activities. My only true friend was a doll my mother made named Suzy. I had almost no social interactions with people throughout my life. But that all changed when I met Adam, a local mechanic with beautiful hands. He was a nice looking man and was my first real crush! We seemed to get along well and had something going between us. But my somewhat awkward and bizarre behavior drove him away from me, and he ended up breaking off our relationship. Shortly after this, I began an affair with Polly, a coworker of mine from the animal clinic we both worked at. She was very attractive and I enjoyed being with her. It only briefly lasted, as she met another woman and rejected me because of my strange ways. All of this was very troubling to me and made me question many things. But no matter what else happened, I always found comfort and love from Suzy. She was always there for me, even more so than the cat Polly let me keep. But the glass case containing Suzy started to crack. Each time it did I was driven mad with rage and anger. One night the glass cracked, and in a fit of blind rage I threw a piece of furniture at the cat and killed the animal. To keep it from smelling and decaying, I placed the cat inside my freezer and kept it frozen. I seemed to be doing better, but when my beloved doll was accidentally broken, that finally pushed me over the edge! Also all of my so called friends betrayed my trust and turned against me. Something inside me snapped, and with a pair of scissors, I killed a young man I brought over to my house. He was the first of several victims to feel my anger! The thought then hit me, if I couldn't find a friend, then why not make one? So Adam, Polly and other people where paid a little visit from me! I killed them in various ways, and constructed the perfect friend at last! Finally I have someone to call my own! My very special friend named Amy has the best of all human body parts, and I love her dearly with all my heart! The only sad part was that she couldn't see me! So I had to gouge out my lazy eye and give it to her! So now I am maimed and disfigured, but Amy can see at last! And we are very happy together!"

"I stalk people with perfect hands, feet, arms, legs, and torsos, so I can admire their beauty and add them to my collection. Also I'm in need of an eye to replace one of mine. Also my passion is killing people, sewing together body parts to make perfect friends for me, stalking future victims, keeping dead pets in freezers, and talking to my new best friend Amy as well!"

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