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said... on 05-18-2020 3:17:49
Chi-won can be a demon, human, or walker, so feel free to pick whichever version you'd like.


Less than pleasant individual who, having lived a far from honorable life, was condemned to Hell for eternity, but now has been given a second chance, if one can call it such a thing. Extremely sadistic while alive, Chi-won could not escape punishment for his many crimes against humanity, and was sentenced to death by hanging. After this had been done, his soul soon ascended to Hell, but instead of suffering forever, Satan offered him a compromise, which included some rather hideous terms. In exchange for being spared punishment, Chi would return to earth as a demon, whose goal would be to possess and induce as many men and women as possible to commit atrocious crimes, thereby assuring them eternal damnation after death. At first, he readily agrees to this, but soon begins having second thoughts. Is the price of one man's soul worth that of sending so many others to endure a fate worse than death itself?


Chi-won is a young South Korean scientist, who is desperately searching to either find a cure for the dreaded walker infection, or at the very least, come up with a way to make these former humans far less dangerous than before. Perhaps an outright cure to this horrible disease might not be possible, yet deep down inside Chi believes that it does indeed exist, but in the event of his eventual failure to finally discover it, his "Plan B" would then be enacted into effect. This backup plan involves finding a way to either make the walkers cease attacking and killing humans, or at least render them a great deal less deadly than usual. Nevertheless, Chi will always strongly insist on finding a cure first and foremost, and nothing except death shall prevent this brave scientist from making this terrible world a much better place in the not too distant future.


This tormented creature has an overwhelming desire to eat raw human flesh, having been turned into a walker after first being brutally beaten, then murdered in cold blood by Dawn and her group of unhinged survivors at Grady Memorial Hospital. Chances are that sooner or later someone will finally be putting Chi-won down for good, but in the meantime no one is safe from this truly vicious individual, and even Dawn herself might need to start keeping an eye on the former human before all is said and done.

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