Volstagg ~War Thor~ (Married) {Vaermina's War Axe}

Report User
"After the events of War Thor. Volstagg has return to the kindly gentle man he once was. But is also haunted by those he could not save. -Not going along with the comic- (Asgardian means the people from Asgard)"
119 years old
Vik, Nordland
Norway - 0000
Last Login: July 11 2023

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   Contacting Volstagg ~War Thor~ (Married) {Vaermina's War Axe}

 Volstagg ~War Thor~ (Married) {Vaermina's War Axe} has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.

Volstagg ~War Thor~ (Married) {Vaermina's War Axe} has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.