Lok inherited the majority of his genes from his natural birth father, Misos Orcus. True to the demonic War god, the rambunctious Orcus twin of Tak, was forever curious about the dissection of living creatures, and collected body parts as souvenirs.
His mind is undeveloped in comparison to the maturity of his human body. His demon soul is immortal, and thus he appears to not ever age. He can alter his appearance at will, into any demonic form that suits his fancy. His personality is child-like but in no manner, innocent.
Lok met the love of his life, a beautiful pure blooded human named Braylin. It was her angelic innocence that attracted the young demon son and her fair beauty captivated his heart. She seemed like an angel. She became his best friend. Mutually, they fell in love with each other, married and had a baby daughter who is part human and part demon.
Lok Orcus - Demon Prince **Crazy in Love with Braylin** TAK's Friend
Lok Orcus - Demon Prince **Crazy in Love with Braylin** TAK has 170 friends.
Hello Friend!I was going through some pictures, and found this.It reminded me of you, and your beautiful wife.I wanted to share it with you, hope you don′t mind.