Serafelle Osiris Tempelar BTFW

Last Login: August 01, 2019

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Age: 119
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Signup Date: January 10, 2015

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We are all adults but boundaries do need to be mentioned.

I am not here to write sex.  If we have a good story line going and we discuss it, then I don't mind. 

I prefer multi-para and novella but due to health issues multi-para is fine.  Anything but one liners...please.  We are here to write.

Due to the aforementioned health issues, my replies will be slow and I will have to limit the number of story lines that I have at any one time. 

 No abusing or taking liberties with my character.

Last but not least...NO DRAMA of any sort.

Now let's write and have fun!

06: PM 1 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Some of Sera's Powers

Some Of Sera's Known Powers
Sera is a demonic goddess and daughter of Vandella and Lord Anubis Osiris. Most of her powers were inherited from her parents but a lot of her skills and abilities were learned and developed. She was abducted at birth and taught many of her skills from the man who feigned being her father and his two sons. So her list is quite extensive and grows as she learns more of who she is.

Ability to manipulate a beings sexual desires to suit her own needs. 

Acid Secretion - The ability to generate corrosive acid, usually from the hands or mouth. 

Agility - The ability to lighten ones body and hence cause oneself to become more agile. Telekinetics may develop this ability. 

Ash Teleportation - The ability to teleport through ashes. 

Astral Projection - Make a "copy" of yourself appear wherever the user desires by projecting their consciousness. 

Atmokinesis - The power and ability to control and manipulate all various aspects of the weather at will. 

Blinking - Instant transportation in the blink of an eye, activated by thinking of a location and blinking the eyes. 

Blowing - Various uses by demons and is activated by blowing on the hand. Most likely a unique use of Aerokinesis. 

Bursting Balls - The ability to conjure a metal ball that combusts upon impact. 

Chrono-Telekinesis - The ability to move objects or people while controlling time as well. 

Combustive Orbing- The ability to channel orbs into another object/being, causing combustion. 

Conjuring - The ability to instantly create matter from nothing. 

Dark Cloaking - The ability to hide one's activities from good beings. 

Dark Wisping - A form of teleportation most commonly used by the Angel of Death. 

Deflection - The ability to deflect or negate the tangible and active powers of others. 

Demon Beam - The power to emit a continous steam of energy from your hands that can harm or burn someone. 

Demonic Projection - The ability perform difficult or unique feats of magic with a wave of the hand. Extremely powerful and rare magical ability, similar to Projection. 

Electrokinesis - The ability to channel and generate electricity. 

Enchanting - The ability to bend someone to one's will by manipulating their sex drive and/or radiating false feelings of love, friendship, happiness and other positive emotions through various mediums. Similar to Persuasion but stronger. 

Energy Balls - The ability to throw balls of electrically charged energy. 

Energy Beam - The ability to shoot deadly beams of energy, usually from one's hands. 

Energy Blast - The ability to shoot kinetic energy from one's hands. 

Energy Magic - The ability to project energy. 

Energy Projection - The ability to focus powerful forms of energy. 

Energy Waves - The ability to send waves of energy, usually from one's hands. 

Energy Whip - A similar power to an Energy ball, but you can use it for a longer period of time in battle. It also resembles a real whip. 

Enhanced Intuition - This ability is usually a bi-product of premonitions, it is the ability to sense or predict attacks. 

Enhanced Senses - The ability to possess senses to a supernatural degree. 

Essence Stealing - The ability to steal the sexual essence from a being leaving them in a weakened state or dead. 

Fading - The ability to teleport in the form of energy fading into space. 

Fire Balls - The ability to produce balls of fire in the palm of your hand, used by powerful demons and warlocks. 

Fire Throwing - The ability to throw steams of fire from the hands. 

Flaming - A form of teleportation where the user appears and disappears whilst being surrounded by flames. 

Force Blasts - The ability to generate concussive blasts of force that send the target flying through the air. 

Glamouring - The ability to alter one's appearance by covering the entire body with an illusion of someone else. 

High Resistance - The ability to resist and survive attacks from various weapons and powers.

Immortality - The ability to live forever and not age. also being Immune to all human and Supernatural Diseases and Viruses. 

Immunity - The ability to be immune to most or all kinds of powers. 

Incineration - The ability to kill someone by setting them on fire with one touch or look. May be a form of pyrokinesis or demonic banishment. 

Kiss of Death - A Siren's variation of Touch of Death. She kisses them burning them up from the inside. 

Life Draining - The ability to drain the life out of someone. 

Luring - The magical ability to bend someone to the user's will. 

Mind Control - The ability to control ones thoughts and actions, influencing what people say or do. May extend from telepathy or be its own unique power. 

Molecular Acceleration - Is the ability to make molecules reverberate at a speed which causes them to become disordered, this results in the liquefaction of solid objects and is often reffered to simply as "Melting". 

Molecular Combustion - The ability to speed up molecules in an object or life form so it explodes. 

Molecular Deceleration - The ability to slow down the molecules of an object. 

Molecular Dispersion - The ability to pull a being apart from a molecular level, similar to molecular combustion but more powerful. 

Molecular Immobilization - The ability to slow and cease all movement of molecules within a person or area, leaving temperature unaffected. 

Molecular Inhibition - The ability to crystallize an object or being, encapsulating them in ice. Also referred to as Ice Stasis. 

Molecular Manipulation - The ability to change an object's physical form. 

Mummification - Allows the user to turn a recently deceased body into a mummy that is incapable of being unwrapped or hurt in any way by someone else. When one uses this power, it is in order to preserve either the body or spirit within the wrappings so they will not decay or move on, respectively. 

Necromancy - The ability to steal another's life force. 

Omnilingualism - The ability to understand and speak any language without extensive formal training. 

Optical Fire Bolts - The ability to shoot bolts of fire from the eyes. 

Optical Thermodynamics - The ability to emit a sudden shot of energy from the eyes. 

Plasma Balls - The ability to throw balls of plasma energy, only found in the Ghostly Plane 

Portal Creation - The ability to open portals to other worlds, dimensions, or even planes. 

Possession - The ability to control living beings by entering their body. 

Pyrokinesis - An elemental power that allows a being to emit or control fire. Similar to pyrokinesis is the ability to throw fireballs. 

Rage Projection - The ability to enrage others by magnifying their anger. 

Reconstitution - The ability to pull reform again after being vanquished. Presumably does not need to be consciousley activated. 

Remote Teleportation - The ability to call for object and have it teleported to the user. 

Remote Beaming - The ability to send and call another person to and from a specific location instead of having to beaming with them. 

Regeneration - Ability to heal rapidly from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. 

Sand Manipulation - The ability to create and control sand. 

Sand Teleportation - Form of teleporation in which the user disappears in a whirling sandstorm. 

Seduction - The ability to lead someone astray into a behavioural choice they would not have made if they were not in a state of sexual arousal. 

Shapeshifting - The ability to change the physical form or shape of the body. 

Shielding - The ability to create a bubble-like wall of energy or "force field" around oneself or anyone the user wills (if powerful enough) for protection. 

Shimmering - The ability to teleport with a blurry "shimmer", used by Upper level demons. 

Smoke-Fading - Form of teleportation that is a combination of Smoking and Fading. 

Smoking - Form of Teleportation typically used by Furies, Harpies, Sirens, and a few other breeds of demons. 

Soul Absorbtion - The ability to absorb the souls of the dead. 

Soul Projection - The ability to contain souls of the dead in form of crystals, balls of white energy or balls of fire. 

Suggestion - The ability to plant subliminal thoughts into the mind of another, bending them to your will, effectively. 

Summoning - The ability to conjure a being into the user's vicinity. Generally used by powerful demons to summon lesser servants. 

Super Strength - The power of having magically augmented physical strength and stamina. 

Swallowing - Allows one to consume anyone or anything that comes into contact with his or her body, allowing him or her to use it for sustenance or to transport the object or person to another location. 

Teleportation - The movement of objects or elementary particles from one place to another, more or less instantaneously, without traveling through space. 

Telepathic Suggestion - The ability to astral project unseen to a location and plant irresistible commands into another person's mind, making it seem as if their actions came from their own ideas and intentions instead of the intentions of others. See Astral Echo. 

Thermal Balls - The ability to create purple balls comprised of fire and psychic energy. This is rare and powerful, not a lot of people possess this kind of power. 

Thermal Blasts - Powerful fiery blasts fired from the hands. 

Voice Manipulation - The ability to manipulate one's voice. 

Vortex Creation - The ability to create vortexes to other dimensions, planes, worlds, etc. 

Voyeurism - The ability to spy with only the eyes staying visible while the rest of the body is invisible. Also allowing you to spy through water, fire, or smoke.

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