Lae Rosalia De Lioncourt {Zee's Twinnie} {Hybrid} T+L Sam; Her tall, and handsome mooseman

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The Gem of Chaldea

In truth Lae knew this day would come, but as the days and months came and went; eventually becoming years, perhaps she had become somewhat complacent and although she had known danger before, upon seeing Tennyson’s gnarled and mangled body on the screen of Sam’s computer the previous evening, it had hit home exactly what it means to be the protector of the Gem of Chaldea and the connotations it held for all of those in her vicinity and it was then that she knew that it had caught up with her, that ‘they’ had caught up with her. Of course she had kept quiet; she did not wish to draw Sam into her upcoming battle, and besides he had left on a case with his Brother just that morning, which worked out well for all intents, he would be safe, well as safe as he could be in his line of work. She sighed softly, the bunker was ever so quiet with the boys gone and Zaniyah too, even just for a few hours. Her Sister had popped to the local hardware store that secretly doubled up as a magic shop. Lae was unaware if the Brothers knew of its hidden ‘secrets’ but she and Zee had frequented it on occasion. In this moment she wanted for nothing more than to be wrapped up in Sam’s arms, but she could sense the events unfolding and closing in on her. Their safety was all that mattered now, as well as protecting the Gem from falling into the wrong hands; a private proclamation she had made years before.

 Momentarily her current landscape dissipated as she became swathed in memories of the past and images of that day in the Italian marketplace, where it all began;

 The quaint marketplace was a bustle of vendors peddling their wares for the most profit attainable and unassuming shoppers and tourists alike looking for a bargain or three. Lae took in the sights and sounds; living breathing images imprinting on her mind so that she could recall them as and when she desired. New memories amassing with those of her childhood, of her Mother, Father, Sister and Brother; laughing and teasing one another, of her home with its picturesque grounds and woodland. Yes this place was almost as worthy as each of those images...the only thing missing; her family, although each was just a mere call away; a mind Skype simply wasn’t always enough. 

 As she reminisced fondly of her family, It was then that ‘Destiny’ for want of a word came knocking; in the form of Tennyson.  Lae’s wolven sensibility sharpened in their intensity; more so than was usual. The stench of blood assailed her nostrils and the tendrils of death seemed to be reaching forth, marring the tranquillity of the streets of Rome. With the abilities afforded her through her dna, she reached out with her mind. The voice of reasoning warned her to stay away, that it was of no concern to her, and yet the compulsion to follow the scent of blood and death was overwhelming. She had followed her senses past Hadrian’s Mausoleum and Janiculum Hill and found herself within the boundaries of St Peter's Basilica. Such an encroaching building that illuminates the skyline of Rome. Queues of visitors stretched from its entrance and around its circular boundaries. Further to the east of the Basilica to the River Tiber and down a set of stone steps, into a tunnel that led deep beneath the walls of the Basilica. Strange contorted bodies of otherworldly creatures that she had never seen before were strewn randomly throughout. The next images, jumped somewhat; Sensing Possible assailants in the distance, she moved rapidly toward their location. Once inside the deep underground tunnel; walls strewn with blood, led to an underground tomb. Where there were three males, only one of which was human, and who was bleeding out. Death was imminent, or so she thought. This was the one known to her now as Tennyson and before her very eyes, what should have been a fatal wound for any human, healed, as if it had never happened.

Before her memories of that day and her introduction to the Gem of Chaldea had a chance to deepen further, the sound of screeching, almost piercing her eardrums slammed her back to reality and into the present. The air outside was becoming thick and pungent but with no way to seep into the bunker, for all its protections. However those very protections were violently sounding off and she was unsure if what was outside could work its way into the bunker.

As luck would have it not only had she inherited her wolven genes from her Grandfather's side of the family, but her Grandmother's side were blessed also, as hereditary witches, and so she too was somewhat charmed with the majicks that her Mother taught her and Zaniyah as children. However she would need to draw away whatever manner of beast or demon was currently waiting to tear her apart in order to ‘acquire’ the gem. Fortunately she had pre-prepared in case of such an emergency, a batch of vanishing powder or rather confusion dust; A pinch of black salt, half a handful of poppy seeds, myrrh, a scrapping of red ochre powder, a smidge of wormwood, cutting of mistletoe, finely chopped wolfsbane; albeit, this was added with extreme caution, and lastly some powdered mica. The potion worked more or less like a perception filter, so as another’s eyes would merely gaze past what was being hidden from sight. She had used it previously, on the gem itself; which she currently had tucked away in a safe place but never had she tried it on anything living, and so she had no idea if it would actually work on a hot-blooded creature such as herself. Before attempting anything, she put in place a mind block, to keep her sister from discovering what was about to happen, and for her protection.

“Here goes....All in the preparation” She whispered, as she liberally showered the mix over her head, ensuring that her entire frame was covered from head to foot.

 Slowly Lae opened the large and somewhat cumbersome steel door of the Men of Letters Bunker; tentatively stepping outside. The atmosphere steeped in a thick mist. Carefully closing the door behind her, she moved further from the relative safety of the building with its protections when suddenly the same ear-splitting screeching sound as before returned with a vengeance. What felt like a hot rush of air whooshed past her along with a high pitched sound, causing her to falter. She stifled the low menacing growl that was building up within her larynx.  On the whole the invisibility potion was holding up; however something extraordinary knocked the wind from her sails, so to speak. Soon she realised it to be a dog whistle of all things, yet ten times the decibels of a normal one. Ear piercing, gut wrenching. It felt as if her ear drums were about to burst and the darkness would consume her, pulling her into unconsciousness but she fought harder to move, one foot in front of the other, yet it was like traipsing through treacle and each step became harder and harder. From the darkness that surrounded her, she could scarcely make out shape and form but they were there. She could sense their menace. If only that sound would stop she could function enough to escape.... All the while, the block that she had put into place between her and her Sister came crashing down, every sensation and thought, would in that moment, engulf her Sister....As if her thoughts had been heard and wish granted all sounds ceased, taking this lull as an opportunity, Lae took to her heals and ran as fast as she could. Out of breath and confused she came to a stop some miles from the bunker; yet not far enough for her liking. An abandoned farmhouse far away from any signs of life, all but the building adjacent to the dirt road, but even that seemed abandoned. Lae entered the farmhouse, paying no heed to the dust webs that saturated its every corner and crevice. She waited, watching; with keen eyesight, steadfastly from her vantage point, out of the window. Slowly she caught her breath as the pain in her head now diminishing to nothing more than a dull ache. Re-gaining her composure somewhat, she waited, unaware at this point that Zaniyah may be well aware of her current predicament.

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