Jesus Manuel™

Last Login: August 31, 2024

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Age: 37
Sign: Capricorn

Country: United Arab Emirates
Signup Date: March 28, 2024

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Rules of Writing with Me

Before you step into my inbox, please know that this profile is for actual stories. I enjoy smut (erotica) like any other writer but smut without a plot is pointless to me. Been rping for 21 years... I am not here for weak stories and one liners. I enjoy detail, I will only create magic with writers who put effort into their writing and if that makes me an asshole in your eyes than so be it. Keep it interesting, captivate my character's mind and he will share his time and body.

With that being said, this is my main profile and it is a multi-storyline/multi-love interest account. Meaning if our story evolves into something more than just a bit of fun and the characters catch feelings for one another. You will not be my one and only. I keep my circle small for this reason. All stories written with me are independent of each other unless otherwise discussed with me and another of my writing partners. This account was not meant to be used to exclusively write with just one person and though I have lost sight of that in the past- it never will happen again.

For those who do not understand above, let me break it down a bit:

1) I write Multi-Para and Novella, and while I don't expect everyone to write Novella length. It takes at least 2 well detailed paragraphs, if not more to hold on to my attention.

2) Keep the story interesting and keep it in mind that I do want a story. I am not here to just waste my time with smut. If all you can offer is a piece of ass, it won't be long before I get bored of you.

3) Multi-Storyline: Meaning my main story is in human-verse, this is what my character was always meant to be from the start. But I also do supernatural stories where my character is a were-shifter. Not the underworld lycantrope, but more of a Klaus from The Originals kind of wolf. If you have any ideas for another route you'd like to pursuit, maybe vampires, demons, etc. Shoot your shot. If it's interesting I might jump on board.

4) Independent Stories: when I say Independent stories, I mean that. It means that whatever I write with other writers, whatever connections I establish with others is no bodies fucking business. All of my stories are independent of each other, unless writers agree to inter-mingle with one another and join a story. So Character/Writer A should not feel free to reach out to me about my interactions with Character/Writer B because if you have that much time on your hands to worry about other people's storylines that means you are not paying attention to your own.

Multi-love Interest: This means if I so desire to have my character taken by more than one person, so be it. We are here to write and have fun, I will NOT be exclusive with anyone. This is RP, the only exclusive relationship I want is in RL- I have no time for RP exclusivity. That is how stories die. And I will NOT be signing that type of death sentence upon my MAIN CHARACTER.

MY ATTENTION: I will write with whom I want to write regardless of what anyone wants or feels. I also plan on writing with everyone I discuss a storyline with. No one person will be given importance over another. No one person will be favored over another. I will write equally with everyone I set out to write with, PERIOD. And if anyone gets in their feelings about having to share my attention with other writers- don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Don't waste my time with childish shit, it irks my fuxking soul. If you don't understand,  I can translate to 4 languages. Fucking try me. 

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