~lady raynes~lestat~
~withervane's shadowed rose~

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~unwanted inheritance~

~unwanted inheritance~

 ~jaded wine~part 3~

 ~lord amier mystique reclined quietly, listening to the house’ tortured screams.  few heard other than him. his smile seemed a bit sinister as he looked to the door feeling her presence and want to invade the areas of the castle she once ran the course of her day through. he adjusted his own form within the comfort of the high back chair he sat upon. excitement cursing through his soul with the events that would soon take withervane to the heights it should have been long ago. he knew why she would want to enter the room. his grin increased upon his lips and he patiently awaited the young heiress to enter~

 ~cautiously, she eyed the corridor before her. she could feel the hint of his thoughts, his grin and his anxiousness. but still she hesitated. her thoughts cascading like a waterfall raging through her mind. so many memories he had sailed through to her thoughts. too many to want to quickly make her way to him. she sat down on the top step to the west wing's stairs and sighed. she could see the twins standing at the main entrance to the castle. why could she not remember them? they confused her. she could remember every soul. even those taken during the massacre. why not them. as she thought about it and dwelled on the souls within them. her eyes widened and were drawn to one of them~

 ~her heart, it pounded, searching for his soul within her. she dared not convey to him any sign that she was aware that the soul portrayed was not his own.  she glanced back to the corridor that would lead her to lord mystique, stood and made her way to him. hoping he would now sense the fear within her. once at the door the key seem to be beckoning the lock that would encase the gold form like a magnet forcing her to insert the key . she did as it willed and the door slowly opened. he sat up in the chair and his form stood before her within an instant~

 “no child. no fear. remember whom ye art to become mine child. ye art safe within thine presence child. i promise ye this”

~he combed her dark tresses with his fingertips and allowed her to rest her head upon his chest. but he could feel the fear she held for blacksoul souring through her thoughts. if he could hide her from those of withervane, he would. but no where was there safe haven for the young heiress. no matter whom she was to become~

~the guards looked to each other. she knew. the one who she had eyed hung his head. she still feared him. he felt anger building within his heart. she would be his in the end. by her father’s will and not hers. he felt his brother’s hand upon his shoulder with a hint of comfort. but it did not help. he needed, wanted, had to have the love to be with her. they had no choice, either of them. their blood was bound even before the birth of the child. he would meet with the mystique’s before the night was done~

~lord mystique drew her closer before taking her hand to have her sit with him. he poured her the wine from the dark bottle of her father’s private stock. its thickness reminded her of the blood spilt from her parents. she swirled the contents of her goblet and watched it slowly settle back into the drink that was poured~

“ye mother, she loved his wine. she said it often soothed her from within. ye thoughts of its rich texture betray ye child. savor it. it will teach ye things ye never knew ye could do luv”

~half her father she was, but she still had not been able to bring herself to fill her soul with the tastes that made him who he was. she held to the goblet but did not taste of the rare old wine. she looked to him with slight concern~

“learn from it m’lord?”

“aye mine child. the souls that catered to thee wine within ye father’s making, poured their minds, their abilities into its making. their knowledge of their abilities laced with their blood and the blood of those they drank from. ‘tis splendid knowledge”

~he gathered up another bottle. the labeling quite different. the texture nothing compared to her father’s wine. coltessa noticed this right away~

“ye drink not from mine father’s bottle m’lord? why so?”

~he smiled gently and tasted the wine in his goblet. knowledge of others he did not need. but he needed to tell her of the restrictions~

“none, save ye dear child be permitted to drink of ye father’s wine luv. those of withervane know what shall befall them should they. there be much child ye still must learn. relax. drink. rest. tomorrow be an eventful day”

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~unwanted inheritance~

~haunted caresses~part 2~

~the huge doubled doors slowly opened and he looked down on her form. he could feel whom she was to become. his wanting lips creased his awful smile as she looked up to him. suddenly she felt blacksoul somehow caressing her with warnings. his soft whispers invading more then her dream now~

“i am here child. vonhollynn will not touch ye. he had been warned long ago. our time together will approach us one day. but not this one. ye be thee only one who knows i am here”

~cold chills burned within her body. him being able to invade her dreams was one thing. but within her reality he now dared to make her endure him here as well. her hand was removed from vonhollynn’s as she felt more of the presence of many more souls within her home. she walked abruptly away from him and into the corridor leading into the vast entry way room. another set of stairs leading to the next floor with two sets of more stairs leading east and west. portraits covered the walls of her family, other houses of withervane and herself. she walked the next flight of stairs to her portrait within the middle of the divided stairs. the picture seemed haunting to her. she had no memory of sitting for a self-portrait. looking down at the people who had made their way into the room she felt her father’s presence. tears threatened to fall from her dark eyes and she whispered to him~

“father…i feel you”

~she didn’t want to move. but she heard no return of his voice, only the feel of him caressing her soul. she needed to hear his voice. a sadness fell upon her shadowed heart. she sighed deeply as vonhollynn took to the stairs as well~

“surely ye be wanting to rest from ye journey dear coltessa. ye room dear child is up to the east wing. i believe it to be just as ye left it child.”

~she did not wait for him nor anyone else to escort her there. she knew every inch of the castle. including ones others knew not to be in existence. the sound of the door to her room echoed through out the castle. lights seemed to summon on without a word from her. the smell of her mother’s perfumed lingered in the room. but the feel of her soul could not be felt. her mother and father’s wedding portrait hung above the mantle of the fireplace. vonhollynn entered the doorway and she turned to him. her eyes wishing she could burn him where he stood~

“i wish to be alone m’lord.”

~he studied her, his eyes looking to her as if she had no right to dismiss him. his approach was swift almost as if his feet never touched the floor. his cold hand invading her skin around her soft chin.

“dare ye dismiss your coven lord, lady raynes.”

~her voice was more than stern in reply to him. she did not fear him at all~

“might i remind ye m’lord. this be mine home. i shall dismiss whom i choose, when i choose to do so. be gone.”

~she gave him a brief smile and the slightest curtsy possible. remembering her status. one she knew was well above his own. he was only coven lord because of her father’s death and lord blacksoul to be assumed dead as well. she knew better. blacksoul had his reasons and made them known to her. as he angrily left her company. she felt more relieved and went to the darkened red box that laid on the mantle under her parents’ portrait. the amount of dust that covered it assured her that it had not been disturbed in the years of her being gone from withervane~

~gently removing the contents of the box she slowly left her bed chambers not making herself noticed to the people still being ushered from her home. disappointment in their eyes giving way to other feelings crushed her within. but she hoped that most of them would understand. a set of guards closed the door and remained at attention in front of them as the last clan members left. twins it would seem. gorgeous guards. hair longer than her own. the strength seemed brutally well kept~

~she looked to the key in her hand and stepped down from the east wing and brought herself to linger at the base of the west wing steps. she had not been within the corridors of the west wing since that dreadful day. her father’s voice echoing in her memories. his screams demanding her to flee to that forbidden room where no one would find her. as she looked to the steps, she took each one with a carefulness. knowing the presence that would be within that room  would not be of her father’s nor blacksouls. but one of the kindest souls of the coven~

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~unwanted inheritance~

~the summons~part 1~

~she had inherited who she was from her father. but her fleshy form was of her mother’s grace. behind closed eyes she could still see her beautiful smile, still smell the scent of her soft skin. her eyes flew open abruptly as she now remembered her screams as those of worldly humans torturing her carelessly. the smell of her burning flesh to this day lingered within her mind~

~she shook off the cold embrace of the shadows that coveted her soul. her eyes now embracing the traveling of the horseless carriage as its haunted hoof prints galloped through terrane she had only stood on once as a child. a part of her despising her father still of why he had taken her to withervane that day. she understood what he needed and wanted from her. she had met the blacksoul family as he told her she would. she held her respect intact for the elders as they paraded a ‘bout her as if she was a goddess of some kind~

”unreplaceable. a remarkable child lord raynes. ye be sure she is whom ye say she is, aye?”

~how she looked to her father that day with the man’s words scoring through her as if she was only flesh. her head rested again on the seat as her eyes drifted closed again. she whispered unto her soul to be calm. there was nothing that would change her life, her being or her future. a smile creased her dark crimson lips, and a slight chuckle caused the carriage to act as if it could understand the smirk on her face. it jolted back to its normal pace, and she had every intention of clearing her thoughts. wishing that when she did her memories of the horrible event would clear from her soul as well~

~hours seem to prevent her from reaching the unwanted destination and she cringed at the thought of the beings waiting for her. she was no longer the little girl they thought they were summoning. she was only half of her father. her thoughts drew her eyes to the letter within her gentle hands. she unrolled the papyrus paper, its ribbon falling to cradle within her lap. his words tore through her heart. she would never love him. she read on as her soul longed to wish that her fate had ended as her parents had~

~time passed as she slumbered. her last image embedded within her mind. within her sleep she could be where she pleased. but as that image of the full moon escaped her, unwillingly, she opened her dark eyes and there in the distance the mysts of withervane echoed within the winds that caressed her long dark tresses. a sigh sounded and the carriage acted as it did earlier. almost as if her soul called to it. but the carriage lingered on through the mysts. there was no more time left as it stopped at the huge starewell that led up into the castle. the withervane inhabitants stood almost as if at attention. his form stood mid center of the stairs. a motion of his thoughts and the carriage door opened. a strangely old man appeared and reached his hand to her. reluctantly, with respect to those who were advancing to greet her, she took his hand and exited the carriage~

~he stood still, remembering the child she once was upon meeting her so long ago. he coaxed her eyes to his own. no smile upon his face. but as hers took to the longing within his, and she lowered her form before him holding back the honor that belonged to another. she would not retreat from her promise to her father~

~that voice that haunted her dreams brought her to her knees~

“he shalt not touch ye m’lady. ye thath thine word.”

~dread fell upon her with his silence and lord vahhollyn, with a strut non the less, bowed to her as the last step brought him before her~

“no longer the child ye were before. lord blacksoul, should he embrace, this contract will be pleased m’lady.”

~ his hand reached for hers. she looked at it with contentment as she accepted it. he helped her to her feet as he turned towards the stairs~

“welcome home lady coltessa. castle raynes awaits ye soul.”

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