It was a great day in the king as Granger beautiful wife was getting ready to give birth to there child Sage. Stella screamed out in pain as the contraction was with the time. Granger held his wifes hand through out the delivery. After hours long aggering pain Sage was born as it brought joy to the kngdom. Something came over the youngest of the three boys as he walked in and staked Stella. as he drove the stake through her heart Frank looked at his brother and said "why in hell should you have what i always want for this you will be left with your daughter only." He drove the stake deep into her as the blood sprayed from her chest as he took the one end in a circle motion ripping the skin making sure she was dead. Granger yelled for his gaurds made him cuff and drag his brother away as tears ran down his cheeck.
Monthes later after the funeral he meet this man that would take his love bring her back to life but not as a wife but as the family aunt. the looked at him "my name is Black Thorne i will take Stella with and make her new she will only remember you and your daughter but with no feelings for you as Stella. Your little brother will become her as well he will remember what he has done to her and to the rest of the family she will be knowen as aunt Briar. She will work for me and the Dark Rose and look over yours and the Blood Moon kingdoms." Black Thorne turned and raised her body as they both vantished.
Years later after Sage grew up as an beautiful young lady she set off to explore the world she ran into this man that promice her everything. He looked at her tried to get her to turn her back on the family. She walked away as Sage thought nothing of it. Days after she return home Helena open a letter that was sent to her king as she read it.
To whom it may concern : I am writing to inform you that you have a traitor among you and she just return home.
the date is june 17th of 1496
She looked at Sage as her temper flared her hue turn black as ice as she called for Sage to come here. "Sage get your things and get out i will not have you living here no more you are a traitor and you will burn in hell for this." Tears fell from Helena′s eye as she had to banish her step daughter . Sage turn and ran to the stranger that she met when she was exploring the world.
After Granger looked around Helena seen him and called him to as she told him everything blood tears fell from his eyes as he watched the murder of Stella all over again. He looked up at the sky and yelled out "BRIAR .... BRIAR COME DOWN HERE!!!!!!!!!!" he passed back and forth as bruise started to appear upon his body "Briar Sage is gone please go and retrive her" as he hand the evolope to her so she knew where to start. |