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So True!

04: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


My Profile

Is only made at Three Sites

Fan domain

Roleplay Eden

Empire of Solomon

Any other profile of Empress Vandella La Mara is NOT me, and that particular site that has banned me, just delete my profile already, I am not coming back.

07: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


For those that are Interested :)

House of Solomon is VOID

I have done a blog about this, and now we start a new chapter. If you have HOS in your name, and you wish to talk to me, then please message me here or come talk to me on discord.


If you are curious as to what happened with HOS, and the move to Empire of Solomon Site & Roleplay Eden, then please come talk to me and Please do not believe all the rumors going around.

We do have a New Group at EOS & Roleplay Eden as well  ~Shadows of Elysium~, all past members of HOS are very welcome to join this new group. It won't be like HOS, but its a place to call Home :)

Thanks for everyones support too with the recent events, I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family.

Empress Vandella

06: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Thanks for the Memories

So the time has finally come when I say goodbye to House of Solomon, this kingdom has been around since 2006, a long time. But when things get too hard, too dramatic, and too hectic, then I know its time to go.

As of tonight The House of Solomon is Disbanded.

Members can take HOS from their names, if you are a La Mara, you are free to still use the name if you wish, but PLEASE remove HOS from your name titles.

Any Pre-Made is now yours to do with as you wish.

Realms of HOS will be No More, so those of you who have had Active Realms, you can do what you wish, but those that were not active, they can be deleted.

The funny part of this status, is all I am thinking of, is getting banned from a site for a porn discord server lol (must be the drugs kicking in, sorry)

Thanks for the Memories

High Empress Vandella La Mara
27th April 2023

01: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Foundations (Credit to a past HOS Member)

A foundation is more than brick and mortar. The good thing about a foundation is that it can be rebuilt and stronger than ever. The good thing about a good foundation is that it's there for the future. Fairweather friends and allies will always fade away in time. These people will never last, and eventually be wishing they had a place to return to when their legacy fails. Our legacy is strong, and the very foundation of the spirit it's built on will never pass into the night.

We embrace the darkness, and evil where others shun away from it. Evil is in our blood and our heritage. A legacy that will only get stronger through the fires forged through our endless bond. Everyone goes through a crucible, what makes or breaks you is what happens after you come out of it. Iron sharpens iron and we are forged from the very depths of the world of darkness from which we sprang. A few petty individuals who can't fathom the awesome power our blood yields, or handle the responsibility our name brings, will never cripple or break what we have.

We are a family. Our blood runs deeps and our passion runs deeper. We've survived this long and although a House is no longer a House, it's just a House. What makes the House the House are the individuals that still remain loyal. Those people that never left, and when the going got tough, they dug in and showed their character. True grit is a passion. You embrace the strange, and the burdens that bear the name we carry. Not everyone can be who we are.

A lot of people have proven that fact, and those are weak-willed individuals. We are a proud family, and people mistake our pride for many things, but we're a family of demons among other things, so naturally, it's in our blood to remain prideful. People can't handle the fact, that our foundation is stronger than theirs ever will be. Those who remain are family, and those who continue to proudly carry our freak flag will forever be bonded by something that people can't seem to fathom. We have seen our trials and tribulations. Our time has not come without its troubles and the problems never seem to go away, but like the Phoenix, we rise out of the ash and embrace the absurdity that comes with the name. We embrace our freak-like nature, and the blood that flows from it has us bathe in it a lot more than shun in it. We were baptized by fire, and our fire never goes out, it only burns hotter. Out of the decades and centuries of being who we are, and going through the problems, there is one very important fact..

We're still here..

02: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Quote :)

02: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


How did Halloween Begin?

Halloween Origins groundedpsychic.com

Halloween is almost here so I thought it would be fun to take a look at the origins of a holiday I have always found to be so much fun.

Halloween brings a bit of the ancient back into our modern lives.

The history of Halloween is one of mystery and intrigue that has been passed down through the generations. Traditions and adaptations of ancient ceremonies and superstitions have evolved into the holiday we know and love today. Let’s now explore the history of Halloween in its various forms, and unlock the secrets of this ancient holiday.

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. The word Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows’ Evening also know as Hallowe’en or All Hallows’ Eve.

Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. (pronounced “sah-win”) The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture. It was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the deceased would come back to life and cause all kinds of havoc such as sickness or damaged crops.

Samhain's History:

Samhain, dates back to the ancient Celts who lived around 500 BC. Contrary to what some believe, it is not a celebration of a Celtic god of the dead. Instead, it is a Celtic word meaning "summer's end." The Celts believed that summer came to an end on October 31st and the New Year began on November 1st with the start of winter. But the Celts also followed a lunar calendar so their celebrations began at sunset the night before.

Many today see Halloween as a pagan holiday but that's not really accurate. Halloween is actually a Christian creation. The pagan began their celebrations at sunset on October 31st, on Samhain Eve. During the day of October 31st the fires within the home were extinguished. Often families would engage in a good "fall" cleaning, to clear out the old and make way for the new, starting the winter months with fresh and clean household items.

The festival would frequently involve bonfires.

Samhaim bonfires groundedpsychic.com

At sunset on October 31, clans and local villages began the formal ceremonies of Samhain by lighting a giant bonfire.

The people would gather around the fire to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities. It was a method of giving the Gods and Goddesses their share of the previous year’s herd or crops. (Much as Kane and Able gave of their crops and herds to Jehovah.) In addition these sacred fires were a big part of the cleansing of the old year and a method to prepare for the coming New Year.

During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes, and danced around the bonfire. Many of these dances told stories or played out the cycles of life and death and the Wheel of Life. Masks and costumes were worn in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or to appease them.

These costumes were worn for three primary reasons:

Halloween's Samhaim Celtic origins. groundedpsychic.com

The first was to honor the dead who were allowed to rise from the "Otherworld." The Celts believed that souls were set free from the land of the dead during the eve of Samhain. Those that had been trapped in the bodies of animals were released by the Lord of the Dead and sent to their new incarnations. The wearing of these costumes signified the release of these souls into the physical world.

Not all of these souls were honored and respected, however. Some, it was feared, would return to the physical world and destroy crops, hide livestock or 'haunt' any of the living who may have done them wrong.

The second reason for these traditional costumes was to hide from these malevolent spirits to escape their trickery.

The final representation was a method to honor the Celtic Gods and Goddesses of the harvest, fields and flocks giving thanks and homage to those deities who assisted the village or clan through the trials and tribulations of the previous year. And to ask for their favor during the coming year and the harsh winter months ahead.


The practice of dressing up in costumes and begging door to door for treats on holidays goes back to the Middle Ages, and includes Christmas wassailing. Trick-or-treating resembles the late medieval practice of “souling,” when poor folk would go door to door on Hallowmas (November 1), receiving food in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls Day (November 2)

Shakespeare mentions the practice in his comedy "The Two Gentlemen of Verona" (1593), when Speed accuses his master of “puling [whimpering, whining], like a beggar at Hallowmas.”

In addition to celebrations and dance, it was believed that this thin veil between the physical world and the Otherworld provided extra energy for communications between the living and the dead. With these communications, Druid Priests, and Celtic Shamans would attempt to tell the fortunes of individuals through a variety of methods. For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter months.

Samhain Bonfires embers. groundedpsychic.com

These psychic readings would be conducted with a variety of divination tools. Such as throwing bones, or casting the Celtic Ogham. There are stories of reading tea leaves, rocks and twigs, and even simple spirit communications that today we'd call Channeling.

When the community celebration was over, each family would take a torch or burning ember from the sacred bonfire and return to their own home. The home fires that had been extinguished during the day were re-lit by the flame of the sacred bonfire to help protect the dwelling and it's inhabitants during the coming winter. These fires were kept burning night and day during the next several months. It was believed that if a home lost it's fire, tragedy and troubles would soon follow.

With the hearth fires lit, the families would place food and drink outside their doors. This was done to appease the roaming spirits who might play tricks on the family.

The Romans began to conquer the Celtic territories and by A.D. 43 they had succeeded in claiming the majority of the Celtic lands. They ruled for approximately four hundred years combining or influencing many Celtic traditional celebrations with their own. Two Roman holidays were merged with Samhain.


The symbol of Pomona is the apple and the incorporation of this celebration into Samhain probably explains the tradition of "bobbing" for apples that is practiced today on Halloween.

From Samhain to Halloween:

With the coming of Christianity in the 800s AD, the early Church in England tried to Christianize the old Celtic festivals. Pope Boniface IV designated the 1st of November as "All Saints Day," honoring saints and martyrs. He also decreed October 31 as "All Hallows Eve,” which eventually became Halloween.

Christians and pagans both celebrated halloween.

Scholars today widely accept that the Pope was attempting to replace the earlier Celtic pagan festival with a church-sanctioned holiday. As this Christian holiday spread, the name evolved as well, it is also called All-hallows Eve or All-Hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints' Day).

200 years later, in 1000 AD, the church made November 2 All Souls' Day, a day to honor the dead. It is celebrated similarly to Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels, and devils. Together, the three celebrations, the eve of All Saints', All Hallows', and All Souls ‘ Day, are called Hallowmas.

Today most call it Halloween!

In the end, this shows that the holiness of a holiday depends not on the day it lands on, or its traditions, but on the spiritual importance the person celebrating places on it. What was holy pagan, became holy Christian, became Secular fun!

Most people today do not celebrate the religious or spiritual aspects of Halloween, but isn’t it nice to remember holiday traditions that go back thousands of years and preserve our ancient heritage.

And maybe, just maybe, there is a bit of truth there and on this one special night of the year the spirits of those who have gone before us may come to visit those of us willing to accept and perceive their presence.

  • Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans traditionally commemorated the passing of the dead.

  • Pomona's Day of Honoring the Roman goddess of fruit and trees.

  • 08: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


    To Be An Empress!

    For some the title comes easily enough, others do have to work at it, some take it right off the bat, even if it is only something to play with, a power play if you will. I for one, fought to be where I am today. After nearly fifteen years of having a kingdom, I think Empress definitely defines who I am, and what I stand for.

    I was a princess, a little girl, nothing much of anything really when I first appeared in this mortal realm, but I do have two stories, one where I am totally HOS from the beginning and one where my life was different, we can say I lived in two worlds, and one of those taught me the way I am today.

    Kingdom of Hell, my beginnings, a different father, one that I now denounce and a lot of family that I left behind. I have one sister that still calls me her sister (Thank You Styx) and one that passed away recently ooc that would come say sister to me as well, as if that tie between us never broke.

    Anyway getting back to the 'Empress' part of this story, because that title irks me when others call themselves when they truly have nothing to be an emperor/empress of. What exactly are they an Empress/Emperor of?, I really itch to ask those people, what kingdom are you?, what are you members called, do you have family etc etc.

    After being a princess for a while, I became a Queen, and was given the task of ruling a sub-kingdom, I did so well, that my father at the time thought there were too many people, and made me stop recruiting. Then he became angry, his power was being drained I suppose and at that time I realized that it was time for me to move on, to be who I was destined to be, An Empress.

    I never used the title straight away, if did not feel right, but in time after my family was born and I had members, I did take on the title of Empress, and you know what, it felt fucking good, I finally had a home, a life and a family of my own. My vision became real, and to this day it remains real, no matter what all the naysayers and haters have to rant about it. Once you achieve that goal, its amazing how many want to bring you down., but I am told that is what success feels like, and if you have no haters, then you did not 'make it'.

    So a little of my life there, demons have a different life you know,  I am not human, I am a succubus, a demonness, one from the darkest pit of Hell, and I like that I am. You can pick on me all you want, but yes I already know my morals are perverted, I will make no excuses for who I am and what I represent, because that is who I am, and for those who do not understand, then that is on you...take your frigid attitudes elsewhere.

    I am a Hated Empress, this I have known for many years, the constants threats to my character, the way people perceive me, the lies people tell about me, I definitely have that 'Infamous' title too, and that is the way I will be remembered, I made a Mark here. Been called a whore so many times, by so many people, but you know what, I do not care, for I do love to fuck, and I love all kinds of depravity, that is the Demon Empresss I am, and those who love me for what I am have my loyalty for eternity.

    Those who hate me, well I would say they can rot in hell, but there is no way my father is letting you stay there....anyway lets not dwell on them, they hate for one reason only, 'attention'.

    So my vent is over for the night, needed to get a little out of my system, so note to all you newbies, wannabe's etc....take a look at yourself, and know that if you are ever thinking of a kingdom etc, do it for the long haul, and build up to it, do not give yourself all that credit at once, Success comes with Failure, and a lot of bad things happen, and if you can get through it all and still can smile, then good on you...take risks and enjoy the ride.

    Empress Vandella Elizabeth La Mara

    05: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


    RIP Aunty Lilith La Mara (December 24th, 2020)

    I am so sorry to tell everyone that our own Empress Lilith La Mara has passed away Christmas Eve ooc....

    This is the message I received here: "Afraid to tell you that the write behind Empress Lilith has passed away Christmas Eve to do of what covid-19 did to her body when she got it. Sorry to tell you this. "

    She was a big part of HOS for so long, she has played Lilith for years too, so very sad, so shocked to hear this news....Condolences to all her ooc family.

    I loved my Aunt Lilith here with all my heart, she will be a very missed member of this Roleplay Family...Rest in Peace Aunty Lilith...


    12: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


    The Birth of Xarissa Naamah La Mara

    Vandella had many children, most were born of her, the succubus/goddess had proven time and time again, that demons could raise children, and they were of all different species, but family was family no matter what. She had been criticized too for the brood she had, but again, the haters would always have to pick on her for something, if it was the not the number of husbands, it was her family, jealous the lot of them.

    This new baby was hers and Lord Ansems, he was a husband to her, and they had been blessed with Xarissa, her true lineage would be revealed in time, her species a complicated one.

    Princess Xarissa Naamah La Mara came on a dark stormy night, she came early too, she was not expected to be born till after Xmas, but this baby had her own plan. The birth was a pretty normal one, it was over in less then an hour, the place of birth was Vandella's private chambers. From there Ansem and her had traveled to the Unholy Chapel where the High Priest and High Priestess had given Xarissa the unholy blessings of Solomon, she was now christened in her grandfathers faith. Her father Lord Satan and her mother Queen Naamah had been there as well, both pleased to see their new grandaughter.

    Thank You Lord Ansem, my loving husband for giving me this chance to be your wife, and to bring such a daughter as Xarissa into this world, and to have her here in the kingdom. She will grow to be all we have dreamed her to be, a strong and independent woman, a sinful one too we do hope, and to be cherished one day by her own husband/husbands or wives, and to have a family of her own.

    15th December 2020

    02: PM 1 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  

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