Empress_*Olivia Talos* (MRK\TDG)

Last Login: May 17, 2024

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Status: In a relationship
Age: 43
Sign: Aries

Country: Portugal
Signup Date: May 06, 2015

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Meeting A Stranger ( Open SL)

The rain wasn’t going to let up anytime soon. For the past three days it had been pouring and foggy. Olivia didn’t mind the dreary type of weather, she more or less preferred it. There was no worry about the sunlight or a lot of people outside. she kept her hood up over her head attempting to block out some of the water from soaking her through to the bone. The ground felt soft underfoot, mud squishing between the outersouls of her shoes. she stopped and looked around from where she stood. Someone or something was close by. The fact that they weren’t moving made it simple to tell where they were. 50ft away, to the left and behind several tree’s along the way. Olivia waited, would the stranger make themselves known or would she have to persuade them to come out. 

06: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Back to The Beginning~ Part 1

Years had past changes had to be made now going by her middle name Olivia had left her home, boarding it all up until she returned again maybe after a few more decades she would go back but for now she moved on. Doing some traveling was next in her agenda before taking off she would visit all her siblings spending a few months with each going back to what she once was. Being with Danica brought back so many memories of her early life as a vampire them together always caused some unwanted attention but Olivia loved it, Asher of course made Olivia realize some things are never meant to last that being what we are that’s something we'll get use to. Octavia was somewhat like Olivia wanting to have it all the immortal aspect and some of the norm. The time went by quickly relearning her vampire ways also teaching herself that heartbreak would not stop her she would rise above it life would go on and she had plenty of time to search for one that would complete her in all ways.

She had saved visiting her blood siblings for last seeing Adelisa was like home for her since Adelisa had their mothers looks spending time with her and Anthony felt so comfortable Olivia was very protective of her baby sister but seeing how much Anthony cared for her made it easy to not worry as much she had found her happy ever after. Last was Damien which now would be different since he was now enchanted by a human princess named Noelle of France. Olivia had meet Noelle many times before they had already grown a bond Noelle knew of what and who the Talos were so they all could be themselves around her. Olivia was also hired as a wedding planner of sorts which was an honor for her. Time with Damien was fun filled with laughs, booze and what ever Damien could come up.

Olivia had planned a long trip doing some traveling in Europe maybe see some old friends or even make new ones. Her first flight was to Spain where her father had come from she knew a few old relatives would still live there she would never approach them but she enjoyed watching them from a distance making sure they were doing well. She did most traveling at night not that she couldn't go in the day but her eyes still got sensitive to the sunlight making the color of her eyes non-human to many stares and whispers for her taste. Reaching an old village outside of Madrid she found her fathers birth house outside sitting by an old tree was an old man he was carving something out of bark he looked so familiar but from what Olivia could remember her grandparents would have already passed years ago getting a little close the front door of the house opened a woman walked out a few words were exchanged the old man just waved his arms angrily at her the woman went back in the old man continued his carving Olivia was now a few trees away now able to get a better look and smell. The old man looked like her father well what he might have looked like now in old age.

Slowly falling to her knees she wanted to weep but no tears would be seen all she could do was sit and stare at the old man she couldn't recall if she was ever told that her father had a twin brother but he must of she thought to herself, an urge came over her to run to the old man to be in his arms like all little girls do wanting to feel safe and told that all would be okay by their fathers but that could not be she sat for what seemed hours just staring at him thinking about what he knew of his family would it be so bad to make herself known to him what would an old man think of a vampire niece it was getting darker now again the door opened the lady came out fought again with the old man but this time at the end she helped him up walking him to the door what a struggle it was he seemed not even to be able to walk the short distance the door shut behind them Olivia waited a bit before leaving she noticed he left behind his carving knife and bark she walked over just behind the chair he was sitting in was small pieces of bark with designs on them kneeling down to have a look she was shocked to see his work they were a few carvings of children to be more accurate it was her, Adelisa and Damien.

Olivia heard some arguing coming from the house from what she got out if it the old man knew he forgot his knife outside and was telling the woman to go get it. Quickly Olivia took one of the carving pieces in her vampiric speed she was now a few trees away from the home the woman came out cursing Spanish words under breath retrieving the old mans knife and going back in. Olivia smiled taking a seat down by the tree she was hiding behind her fingers traced over the deep cuts of the carving she felt overwhelmed with joy knowing that her and the others were never forgotten by her family. Olivia waited until it was pitch black before going on her way to find her first prey of the long night ….

10: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


A Hunters Blood lust (SL)

Blood….a necessity that Olivia needed almost on a daily basis to even function right. In her younger years as a vampire she would have gone out with Danica and track down a few lost souled individuals drain them dry and ditch the bodies what stories she could tell of the havoc her and Danica use to do being out all night killing almost up to twenty each the early vampire years of Olivia's life the quench for blood was strong it seemed the thirst never ended.

For a while now she could control the thirst going up to a week with out feeding but she had to be careful now that she was around more humans she couldn't go as long she did keep a few emergency supplies of blood bags in the fridge that she got from another vampire who got a night job at the hospital but if she did wait to long they wouldn’t be enough to satisfy her. She didn't only feed off humans she would on most occasions go hunt down deers or other larger animals but she had to be careful with that too had to make sure the animal looked healthy. The best blood for her was human blood it helped her mind and body when it was human blood something in it gave a rejuvenating aspect. She knew of a few vampires who had now hired donors but that’s something she couldn't see herself doing killing off the human was in her nature not keeping them around to entertain afterward.

It had been about a week and Olivia needed to either go hunt or go kill she never really talked about her killing to Sorin she didn't think he would understand what kind of monster she turns into if she did not feed off human blood every so often but for now animals would do until her body meaning her thirst for human blood arose . She would always go after he was sound asleep creeping out the cellar door with her high speed she would run through the woods it was liberating to go such speed to anyone who was around she would look like blur she ran for miles until she was safe from anybody seeing her and even other vampires they weren't like wolves who hunt in packs. Hunting for a vampire was quite different well for Olivia it was, she was particular in what animals she did kill she always went for deers they were quick and easy. She spotted one drinking water from a small pond not to far away from where she stopped the attack went quick breaking the deers neck first then taking what she needed.

The night was going by quick she had killed four deers in total it was best that she should head back home before sunrise getting breakfast done for Sorin for when he got back from his daily run. She glanced at her watch she still had a little time left she spotted a buck grazing alone he was massive so she would get plenty out of him she hid behind a tree waiting for her moment to pounce at him the moment came Olivia leaped forward a sharp sound came towards her she fell to the right of the large brown buck it took off in high speed Olivia felt a stinging sensation in her arm looking to her right shoulder she saw a rip on her shirt taking her hand to examine the arm she realized she had been shot quickly her eyes looked up a man was was about 15 feet away was starring back at her “what the hell are you?” he shouted still pointing the shotgun at her “I saw you kill those deers, what kind of sick person are you” he hand his finger on the trigger without even thinking Olivia ran towards him leaping on top of him sinking her fangs deep into his jugular he only yelled once dropping the rifle to his side

Everything happened so quickly when Olivia pulled away from the lifeless hunters body wiping her lips she looked at her blood covers hands “shit...shit bad Olivia” she said aloud she looked around making sure he had been alone everything was quiet she had to get rid of the body but where and how another quick glance at her watch she didn't have much time. Using her own hands with a rapid speed she began to dig a ditch swearing the whole the time thinking how stupid she was she had feed enough why did she need to kill him rolling the body over she emptied his pockets she had a friend who could track down who he was to be safe the ditch was deep so it would be a while before the smell of his rotting body would be noticed she covered it up throwing a few leaves and branches over it she was filthy covered with dirt and blood “Sorin better be already out for his run” she sulked picking up the rifle she headed back home she need to get cleaned up.

Finally reaching the house she crept down back to the cellar doors she looked around to where she could put the rifle she stuck it behind a few boxes that had been left there still from when she moved. Still no sound came from upstairs but that didn't mean he wasn't still home. Olivia looked to her arm the pain had gone but she had to pull the slug out she clenched her teeth digging her fingers into the wound pulling it out she was a vampire but she still bleed if she was cut or even shot the blood ran cold down her arm to her hand she had to get upstairs to wash it She walked up the stairs opening the door into the kitchen she went to the sink and began to wash her face and hands how quickly it got covered with dirt and blood. Lost in the action of washing up she started to mumble to herself not knowing if anyone could hear her “Why Olivia ...why”

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