Queen LucindaTemp'elar FW:KDJkotoanT

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31 years old
Manchester, Massachusetts
United States - 33567
Last Login: August 25 2021

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A Dragon's fire comes from it's heart

a strong woman, of both mind and body. but what lies under the surface is always a surprise.

Lucinda Temp'elar is from an old blood. starting with Seven Tem'elar. a man with all the worlds sins inside him. He had a daughter name kaya.. a vampire. who fell in love with a Dragon , name king Philip. together they created a beautiful and powerful child.

Lucinda Temp'elar is part vampire, part Dragon. She can shift into a beautiful , dark purple and black Dragon, with the speed of a flying bullet. Lucinda father also blessed her with the sea dragon gene, allowing her to be underwater, and feel just as home their , as well on land. but the hunger that always surrounds her, is the vampire hunger that is always craving for blood to fell her body. Though Lucinda is a fighter, and a free spirit, she does her girly days. those days she goes shopping and gets her hair done alike most of the woman on the planet.

She fights with the speed of a vampire, but has super hearing comes with thanks to both her parents DNA.

Lucinda is very close to her whole family. mostly with her grandfather Seven. and her father King Philip. she's also the Ambasitor to kingdom dragonia
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Queen LucindaTemp'elar FW:KDJkotoanT has 65 friends.
 Dagger Firelight (FW:KD) 
 Philip Temp_#8242;elar (FW: SanctuaryHiatus) 
 King Kim Tempelar (FW:JkotoanT) 
 Princess Sarina-Lee Temp′elar (FW:JkotoanT) 
 Seven Temp'elar (FW:KOC:BT)  
 Queen Morgan Lefay {FW:KOC} 
 Cal Temp'elar (FW-BT-KOC) 
 Darth Void-Zero Blackthorn (KD-DMN)(FW) 
 Styxx {Chthonian Godkiller}[FW] 
 jacinda firelight Fw:JkotoanTKD) 
 Lord Darwin (FW/JkotoanT) 
 Randolf Blackthorn (FW:BT) 
 Mittens Tempelar BTFW 
 Heather Song Harkness( Lestrange)(fw:BT) 
 Siren of the sea fw:BT 
 Luna Kitten Temp'elar {FW:BT} 
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    Queen LucindaTemp'elar FW:KDJkotoanT's Comments
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Philip Temp_#8242;elar (FW: SanctuaryHiatus)

05-05-2019 8:44:41

I love you my beautiful dragon. You will always be my Queen. ❤️

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