Infamous Angel of vengeance and Imperial Emperor lord Takumi Ukemochi(TIK-7AOA)

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Adopted Son of sun goddess empress Amaterasu Ōmikami i’m the eldest brother of Himari Itama and Kawarama Ukemochi, loving father and friend "
35 years old
Ishikawa, Fukushima
Japan - 6425
Last Login: August 19 2024

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Legal & Physical
Name: Takumi_Ukemochi
Nicknames: Infamous
Title: Angel of vengeance
Date Of Birth:January 9,1632
Place Of Birth: Takamagahara
Current Residence:osaka,japan
Hair Color: originally black
Eye Color:brown
Height:5foot 7 inches
Weight:245 pounds
Birthmarks/Scars: No/yes
Family & Relationships
Mother: Amaterasu Ōmikami
Father: Susanoo-no-Mikoto
Sister(S): None
Brother(S): None
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Sexual Orientation:bisexual
Relationship Status:Married
Current Relationship(S): empress Emmeline_Jane
Past Relationship(S):Twilight nightmare
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Takumi Ukemochi
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> (タクミ・イ・リクチ )Takumi grew up living alone; he was left in the care of the empress Amaterasu Ōmikami .Feeling alone in the world, he dreamed of becoming a top soldier like the ones he look up to so that the people of Takamagahara would acknowledge his existence.He was assigned in the military to help Takamagahara achieve that goal of it having peace, he developed a one-sided friendly rivalry with richard kikuchi, whose natural talent and popularity was high in the official ranks. takumi was jealous of his friend but the two were very close friends . He also became a close friend with the goddess of love jessica no-mikami also whom he eventually considered a sister. finally having that family stable in life he felt happy some years later, he was placed in the seven angels of apocalypse were the eldest the flaming dragon Hanzo kikuchi was leader. The 7 were a unit that did the the bedding that normal angels wouldn’t able to handle. as a final qualifying test in joining , Hanzo gave the test to obtain a mutated wild boar defeat two orges test his overall skills. unfortunately takumi could not accomplish this on his own like he wished, but by But the flaming dragon hanzo saw strong potential had him join anyway grateful he got to join his friend during the great War of The fallen Somerborg Bridge, which would hinder enemies from using Austere as a relief point. Before hanzo and takeshi would lead fort but takumi put himself in lead ",making hanzo kikuchi worry about the enemies could be around us. seven angels of the apocalypse were discovered by Iwanin along the way and the youngest hirgana was captured for intelligence . sayaka elected to abandon him deeming him useless anyway believing it was more important to finish the mission and themselves takumi became enraged at the idea and punched her on her ass and insisted that they focus on saving hiragana from the enemy . When sayaka refused got in takumi’s face takeshi would get in the middle but takumi left on his own, remarking that she was worse than the people they fight against and honestly don’t deserve to have her family in her life . Takumi located the camp where the demons had been hiding out, were they had hiragana he Took out Ussagiafterwards launched a surprise attack but, before he could make their move,he was ambushed by Teriyaki, a powerful Angel commander who served as the leader of the knights of the holy circle. Takumi was taken by surprise of the betrayal , as his friends came forth takumi bump hanzo outta the way taking a soulder cut while in movement hanzo trining to reason with Teriyaki why he would do this to the ones he called brothers once he served with , giving a wise speech about how they sould stop this found why the gods are doing this evil deed stand together against the gods But Teriyaki was consumed by his desire for their deaths and refused to listen. As the sides raged on trying to stop from this unnecessary fighting Takumi found himself facing the fact this was his end Teriyaki, who launched a ferocious attack In a split second decision got in the way his blade collided with Teriyaki’s Takumi’ hanzo draw his’s managing to protect the unconscious hiragana and richard out of harm's way, but in doing so, he took a deep cut to his left eye some of his famous mustache losing his eyesight in that eye in the process. The pain was excruciating, but Takumi's determination to protect his friends from death kept him going. In that moment of intense pain and desperation, something within Takumi awakened. A hidden magic power called shitsumeigan surged through him, granting him the ability to see beyond what his physical eyes could perceive. With newfound clarity and focus, Takumi was able to strike back with precision and killing Teriyaki feeling this was the end of terror. But their victory was short-lived as suddenly 1,000 arrows poure down on the group from all sides of this small area once against striking Takumi in key positions of his body richard took three others it missed due to them using there magic. Grand commander Kakkō, the head of all angels stood on the high cliff laughing speaking this was the end of the seven angels, realizing they had fallen into a deadly ambush orchestrated by the Emperor . Unable to move due to his injuries, Lord Kakkō watched in horror as his friends fought for their lives. Feeling the weight of his responsibility to protect his friends, Takumi gripped his bloody sword and made a decision. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he ordered his friends to flee the battlefield, knowing that he was the primary target of the enemy's onslaught. Surrounded by those he respected and had fought alongside, Takumi felt a surge of rage and hatred who had orchestrated such a treacherous attack. as the male looked back on his memories of joy and happiness takumi running forward the man yells i will fought to complete my dream while the fight rages memories shared flashed before his eyes The joy happiness helping him cut though the arrows and armor of the enemies takumi raised his bloody sword in the name upon peace for the goddess all that worship evil will be cleaned charging into the arrows and to the master commander for a slight moment the view went into darkness with all his might and magic takumi was defeated in combat died in battle against his fellow angels but swears he return for revenge died unsure what events were happen to his friends Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong


Takumi is a calm and insightful man showing noticeable maturity for his age and knowledge on how to deal with every situation. For all his accomplishments, talent, and fame, takumi was a rather humble man. Never arrogant about his own abilities nor underestimating others, most things he said would be unbiased and accurate. If an opponent exceeded his expectations or posed a legitimate challenge to him or his allies, Itachi would freely admit it., his reasoning was on par with a Kagu-tsuchi. Having studied history, not just of his clan but of the world, he gained a broader appreciation of what was important. Learning so much enabled him to understand how events of the past came to happen and, when he applied that same understanding into the future, he became concerned for where things were going.[] At the same time, takumi was still fairly naïve as a child in many real-world scenarios and as such was willing to learn from his peers on how to differentiate situations.He lived at a distance, observing individuals and ideas without getting directly involved so that he could fully understand them. Although this approach prevented him from becoming close with many people, it enabled him to think and act without prejudice or preconceptions, instead evaluating things strictly on their own merits. He would think about the origins of the Takamagahara and its future.For this reason, he never became arrogant about his own abilities or accomplishments; to which, most views or statements he made were usually well-based, seeing the situation for what it was. From this he had no self-righteous loyalty to his clan that was so common among the Lee’s ; takumi dream was for all to live peacefully and no ponitl wars, though he kept it hidden from others. takumi was also one of the few angels to hold no grudge against Susanoo, believing Susanoo to be the greatest victim of the elders and showed him kindness whenever they met by chance. , takumi lee did not actually like fighting and would avoid it when he could. When he couldn't, he would end the fight as quickly as possible, all the while holding himself back as much as possible. Despite this, he felt his own needs were secondary to the greater good He trained tirelessly to improve himself as quickly as he could and subjected himself to all of the angeangels life's inconveniences without complaint for the simple motivation of being useful to others. His commitment borderlined recklessness, due to training privately using extremely deadly methods such as dodging a barrage of kunai . Being so accomplished as a ninja enabled Itachi to approach problems less violently than others would, satisfying his peace-loving nature. These two extremes of his personality came into conflict as events moved toward the lee famfamily Downfall; he did not want to harm his family and sought a peaceful resolution,. When the brothers refused to kill a human child , takumi was pushed over the edge and his normally polite attitude to his clansmen became more violent, criticising them openly and lashing out at them for the choices that sealed their fates and his own. Despite his natural pacifism and kindness, he was possessed of a wrathful and merciless side when those he loved were hurt or threatened. takumi would use his unique powers against Tsukuyomi, followed oherothers and even the empress Amaterasu Despite the traumas he endured from killing of His fellow angels and gods , takutakumi did not blame those among the angels but the leadership who gave the order; though he did not trust Kagu-tsuchi on a personal level, he knew Kagu-tsuchi only had the best interests at heart. But takumi – was greatly changed after the war, rarely if ever showing emotion. He became more prone to displays of force and permitted certain violent habits of his own goals.[takumi would continue to show his morality at times, as he expressed disgust at the angels and gods of Takamagahara and all those in lack of care for a life Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong

Truly, Madly, Deeply
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