Liza Strange {Hellhound} [TDB] (SH)

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119 years old
Moscow, Moskau
Russia - 95661
Last Login: March 15 2019

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   Contacting Liza Strange {Hellhound} [TDB] (SH)

       Liza Strange {Hellhound} [TDB] (SH)'s Interests
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Full Name: Elizabeth Lestrange
Nicknames: Liza
Aliases: None
Date Of Birth: January 13, 1556
Place Of Birth: Russia
Current Residence: The Dark Brotherhood
Race: Hellhound
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5′5
Weight: 125lbs
Birthmarks/Scars: None
Mother: Deceased
Father: Deceased
Sister(S): None
Brother(S): None
Other Family: None
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Current Relationship(s): none
Past Relationship(s): none
Languages Spoken: Russian, English, Slavic, French, Romanian
Occupation: Soul Collector for the underworld, assassin for TDB
Verses Medieval, Original
Writing Style Multiple paragraphs to novella Dues Starters (0) | Comments (0) | Messages (0)
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This is a free box. You can put whatever you want, info-wise, here. Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.

I know, yeah I know you want me to change, but I′m fucked in the head, I can′t break.
Connection Name

Cras eget nisl eu justo facilisis gravida ut vel neque. Donec dignissim nisi est, sit amet hendrerit nunc tempus sit amet. Morbi porta est ut hendrerit tempus. In vel est vitae neque tincidunt consequat. Suspendisse tempus ante suscipit turpis ullamcorper, vel fringilla augue convallis. Etiam ac laoreet metus. Sed pulvinar diam sit amet varius malesuada. Sed accumsan dolor vel quam fermentum ultricies. Nulla facilisi. Proin nec sagittis sapien. Fusce gravida, tortor a mattis imperdiet, tellus justo gravida lacus, at pulvinar leo turpis quis orci. Etiam et euismod sapien. Etiam in risus nisi.

Quote goes here
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Liza Lestrange
Traits: Apathy- lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Irresponsible-not showing a proper sense of responsibility. (reckless, careless, impulsive)

Manipulative- characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person (scheming, calculating, cunning, crafty, wily, shrewd, devious, designing, conniving)
Disorders: Sociopath- a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

High functioning sociopathy- A term used to describe people with sociopathic traits that also happen to have a very high intelligence quotient. They are likely to be highly successful in the field they endeavor. They plan very meticulously and the presence of sociopathic traits like lack of empathy, lack of remorse, deceptiveness, shallow emotions, etc. makes it very difficult for "normal" people to compete with them.
Personality:Liza is a classic vixen, she uses sex as a weapon and can be immensely flirtatious without even realizing it. She can come off as mean or blunt sometimes, but this is primarily because she does not feel anything. For Liza to feel emotion, it is rare and very hard to do. She will reject any emotions before she feels anything at all. Because of this, she is very good at pretending. She can come off as an entirely different person before you actually get to know who she really is, she can manipulate almost anybody that she wants; and if she can’t get them to do what she needs them to do, she sees no use for them to be alive.

She cares only about killing and getting done what needs to get done, you won’t often see her doing any favors unless she is getting something in return, and she is certainly not someone to come too for advice unless you want a blunt, cold answer. This does not necessarily mean that she will not make friends though, it is very likely that she won′t be liked much at first, but after awhile she has learned to befriend some people.

The danger is I′m dangerous And I might just tear you apart. I wanna taste the way that you bleed, You′re my kill of the night.
My Story

Liza was born a normal human in the 1500s somewhere in Russia, the exact location is unknown. Nothing was special or particular about her, other than the fact that she had a hard time feeling any emotion at all. She was made into a warrior because of this, unable to practice traditional duties of a woman at that time. Liza, or Elizabeth as she was known in her human life was an unstoppable ruthless woman who followed orders as she was given them; death was nothing big or scary for her, she killed because she was told too and she never asked questions. Info Here.

It’s no surprise that when she was met with the option to sell her soul, she didn’t just let it pass. She craved more power, and it was easy to convince the woman to sell her soul away to the underworld to become a hellhound. She was better than ever at this point. The evil overtook her body, and created a creature much more ruthless than just the sociopath that she used to be. Her new goal was to kill the sinning souls of humans. She is somewhat of a pet to the underworld, but she does not mind being in their control. She changed after becoming a hellhound though, her skin paler, hair becoming a platinum blonde, and markings scattering across her skin; the most noticeable one being the tribal like tattoo on her neck. She insisted on losing her birthname Elizabeth, now only going by the name of Liza Lestrange. Other than doing the underworld’s bidding, Liza also strives to make others like her, convincing them to sell their souls to embrace the life of a hellhound.
Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong standout


Since becoming a Hellhound, she has the ability to change into one. A hellhound is normally identified as a creature with distraught, matted black fur, red eyes, a strong, pungent smell, and heightened strength and speed. Along with these things, Liza was also given the ability to manipulate fire and spawn it on will when out of the Hellhound form. She also has a very good sense of smell.

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       Liza Strange {Hellhound} [TDB] (SH)'s Friend
Liza Strange {Hellhound} [TDB] (SH) has 13 friends.
 Ophelia Rose *Dangerous Beauty* {XK} 
 Amaya Celeste [Lone Hybrid] 
 Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}  
 Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}  
 Kira Orcus|TAK|ROD| 
 Empress Nyghtwolfe Orcus **SOS**ROM**TAK** 
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    Liza Strange {Hellhound} [TDB] (SH)'s Comments
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Ophelia Rose *Dangerous Beauty* {XK}

03-06-2017 9:38:53

Well, has Liza ever met a god before of some sort?

Ophelia Rose *Dangerous Beauty* {XK}

03-03-2017 8:27:25

Hello Liza, I am Ophelia Xemous, I hope we can write sometime. Talk of an amazing new story line. And, hopefully become friends.

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