~lady raynes~lestat~
~withervane's shadowed rose~

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119 years old
Baltimore, Maryland
United States - 00000
Last Login: October 18 2024

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   Contacting ~lady raynes~lestat~
~withervane's shadowed rose~

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            ~lady raynes~lestat~
~withervane's shadowed rose~'s Details
Here for: Friends,
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: ~withervane~
Body Type: No Answer
Smoke / Drink: No/No
Education: No Answer
Religion: I will let you know . . .
Height: 5"4'

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~lady raynes~lestat~
~withervane's shadowed rose~ has 16 friends.
 Draven ~Blacksoul~ VaHollynn ~Withervane's Heir of the House of Blacksoul~ 
 Vincent Zeromus *KOED Human Advisor* 
 Emperor J Misos Orcus TAK 
 Empress Nyghtwolfe Orcus **SOS**ROM**TAK** 
 Zena Orcus TAK RODS SOD 
 Katherine "Katie" Talbot
Keeper of the Portals
 Czar Wilfred Von Hamburg HOF 
 Stan La Mara LMF-SE 
 King Angelus Mayella (M) (AOB, BOB, TDG) Ruler of Cimmeria _ Vanaheim 
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